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Old 05-01-2012, 03:26 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Who knows.

Who knows what Mitt will do after he is elected.

Personally I would favor chain gangs cleaning up the desert on their way back south. But - reality sets in.

ICE has chased some illegal alien criminals for 5 years before finding them. There are Mexicans and OTM's. They come from many countries. About 60% from Mexico. Some sneaked across the border and some came legally with visas but overstayed.

It is highly probable that a sudden, massive round up of illegal alien job holders, would severely dislocate and destabilize some segments of the economy.

Our Government has been chronically short of money, resources and personnel for years. Even back in the INS days.

I'm not so sure that everyone understands Mitt's policy on the immigrants here illegally. They have to go to the BACK of the line. I think there is, or was, a provision to go home and touch back then restart the process properly. There are many Be-back's that, if tossed out, will simply turn around and come back over and over and over. Many have counterfeit documents and multiples of same. Some won't tell what nationality they are.

There are thousands here who can't return home because their Countries won't take them back.

The Churches, socialists, Commies, leftist progressives will be in an uproar, clandestinely aiding, hiding the illegals as they did with Elvira Arellano and her son Saul who hid out in a Chicago church for a year.

The cost of repatriating many illegals will be huge flying them half way around the world. And it can be a revolving door.

Mitt can only do what he can do if Congress helps him. He can't do it alone.

Whatever he says now before the election may possibly contain some offering to certain ethnic groups in expectation of receiving votes. Conservatives and Ultraconservatives won't have much chance of getting elected with so many Democrats outnumbering the Republicans.

Half a Mitt would still be better than 4 more years of the current disaster.

In reality illegal immigration ranks pretty far down on the ladder of concerns for many Americans. Jobs, the economy, debt, foreign policy, the price of gasoline at the pump, the Canadian Keystone pipeline and much more are super-positioned.
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