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Old 04-27-2012, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
Well it seems that there is actually a great abundance of information that says Mexicans, Mexican Americans and Latinos did in fact fight with the US in Our civil war. The above poster says Latinos fought. I don't see anything about the Country of Mexico being involved. I think the reference is to individuals participating privately.

Mexico, at the time, was actually deeply involved in it's own civil war. On May 5Th, 1862 they defeated the French.

I think, also, that history will show that the USA was actually involved in assisting Mexico in kicking the French out and assuring Mexico's independence.
The poster is just one more crock of crap among a mountain of Aztlanista crap.

I recall some Tejanos did fight for the confederacy in Texas (something David Hayes - Bautista would avoid discussing), but I don't believe it went much farther than that. I would have to see that "abundance of information" for myself and verify the sources.

The Mexicans didn't really kick the French out. I see it loosely as a Viet Nam style of defeat - French public opinion didn't back it; the French treasury was hemorrhaging due to the effort to install and prop up Austrian Archduke Maximilian as Mexican emperor; Maximilian wound up being even more liberal than Mexican President Benito Juarez thus alienating the Mexican monarchists who invited Maximilian to the "party"; Even though Juarez was nearly driven into Texas, local groups of bandidos independently conducted a non cooperational form of guerrilla warfare wherever the French Army wasn't actually standing; a potential European war concerned Napoleon III; Maximilian's father in law, King Leopold of Belgium, withdrew support for Maximilian; the United States was concluding its Civil War and was making noises to France about the Monroe Doctrine.

Juarez hung on by the skin of his teeth.

The May 5 battle of Puebla was lost to the French due to stupid French arrogance, and no other reason.

Cinco de Mayo is not celebrated in Mexico. The first noises I know about it being celebrated in America was about the time the Chicano movement started. It's never been a big deal in the local barrios, and it wasn't even thought of around here until there was talk in the 1960's about Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Los Angeles.

Cinco de Mayo is all about profit for beverage companies as well as Aztlanista propaganda points - both piggy backing on "any excuse for a party" mentality.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-27-2012 at 12:54 PM.
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