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Old 03-04-2012, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post

That's true, but mostly they organize to create labor and services for other immigrants and most of those other immigrants either are themselves illegal immigrants or contribute somewhere to illegal immigration. The single most important contribution to the presence of illegal immigrants everywhere is legal immigrants. Especially from South and Central America here in the US.

So, what is your job and why do you need legal immigrants from Mexico for its very existence?
The gentleman is an attorney. I believe the employees referred to are probably very aware of his conviction concerning illegal labor.

The confusion is in the use of the word "Mexican" in a racial sense rather than the more correct meaning of national identity.

As I understood him, most of the firm's employees are American citizens whose families may have been here for a century or more, or not. I assume the legal immigrant (s) is/are qualified and has a skill necessary to the firm.

It is illegal to discriminate against anyone concerning race or national origin. Any employer so blatant to do so will swiftly appear in court.

Being a legal immigrant means all the hoops have been jumped through, a respect for American immigration law. Just because someone has legally immigrated or even grown up among illegals does not indicate that person is sympathetic to the illegal cause.

One such legal immigrant from Guadalajara, Mexico was an active member of Save our State, went to many events.

Lupe Moreno - American like most of us by virtue of the 14th amendment - has an anti illegal crusade of her own, and has been a guest at Save our State

Then there's American citizen Ray Herrera, whose occupation was destroyed by illegal labor

Things aren't so black and white, twoller.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-04-2012 at 06:00 AM.
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