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Old 02-20-2012, 06:50 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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There are times when I believe this 1 1/2 generation of people you speak of, is so acurate that no one can agrue with you.

You have to go back to what Art Torres said so many years ago that I can not remember the date. Something like "We are going to take the US by sheer numbers". I believe it is the time limit you give.
I also have seen the lack of respect for others that, what I believe are our own parents display.
One day, in a store no less, a 6 ft well built father told his little son , about 3 or 4 years old 'no'. The little kid was angry and started kicking the fathers feet. Dad just stood there as if this was supposed to happen. I wonder what little wonder boy is doing these days, he must be at least 25 now.

These days every one sues, I don't know where they get all the funds. I know attorneys are not cheap.
Those things called Schools Boards and teachers do not know what the words teach means.
It is all pretty much hopeless and lost now.
Just think the year 2032.
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