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Old 01-13-2012, 05:14 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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What is being done in Arizona is righting a wrong - the wrong of using public funds to teach brown kids to be race obsessed. It's been going on for a long time, and quite a number of "instructors" do foam at the mouth. It should have never been allowed to happen, but it did.

I took a break from all internet activity for a while, it seemed that everything to do with illegal immigration on the internet has to do with race. Evil "Hispanics" and "evil" whites, all glaring generalities from both sides. No thought process at all.

Latino activists and white supremacists swim in the same cesspool, the only differences being the color of their skins and that they work opposite corners of the same street.

The Latino activist puts out the bald faced lie (knowing the truth) that everyone "Latino" is the same, right down to political belief. The white supremacist, whether out of malice or willful ignorance trumpets the same garbage.

Both engage in blanket victimization claims. One that everything the "white man" has done in the Americas has involved premeditated genocide, the other that "Mexicans" in the United States spend all their time raping little kids and killing innocent bystanders.

I have long thought that the Latino activist couldn't exist without the white supremacist, I am now beginning to entertain the conclusion that the opposite is true as well.

Dropping "ethnic studies" in Arizona is the right thing to do, shbould be done in California. But, that's not all that should be dropped.
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