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Old 01-04-2012, 03:02 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Post Iowa.

So Mitt won by 8 votes ! A "close" miss only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

I'll not be boring by rehashing the circumstances. Everyone watched Fox news and hears Dick Morris's analyses.

I may not be selling Mitt Romney here to my friends but I certainly am promoting the the He-xx out of him elsewhere.

RIM05: I have given up on politicians. I don't believe any place can be worse than CA. I will still vote in every election.

Some background:

I voted for George Bush. At the time of his second term I was disillusioned about his several involvements with the North American Union, lack of border enforcement and some other issues. *( Iraq was NOT one of them ). I told my son that I wouldn't be voting for Bush again, rather I would sit on my hands. He beat up on me rather aggressively. He is truly a very smart and very successful son who I love dearly and respect. He laid into me and essentially said that if I didn't vote it was a vote lost and the gain of his opponent. His argumentation prevailed. I held my nose and voted for Bush. Thus I am pleased to see that RIM05 is committed to voting. "Good show "

With some modesty I saw back in August Mitt's potential. From that time there were some perturbations that clouded the water and became scary. I'm a very advanced senior citizen who has lived through MANY elections thus apparently the wisdom gained helps to predict somewhat accurately the events and their potential outcome. As such I think that I can offer my friends and fellow Americans some advice.

Providentially I do not share the dismal condemnation of our Congress that seems to be prevalent. There are some good people in the House and Senate that I admire, respect and communicate with regularly. For my friend here, the overriding concern that dominates is illegal immigration and border security. If that is the narrow criteria that dominates then I will ask you all to contemplate Mitt's commitment to secure the border and deal with illegal immigration. He has committed clearly.

Last edited by wetibbe; 01-04-2012 at 03:53 AM.
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