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Old 12-11-2011, 07:15 PM
Don Don is offline
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"Asylum seekers" is code in European and UK media for Africans and Muslims, just like "youths" and "teens" are code words for Black and Hispanic criminals in stories about flash mobs and gang rapes here in the USA. Just google gang rapes and do some research on it. "Gang rapes" are part of our wonderful African American culture and are considered, in African American communities, to be rights of passage for their young, and even not so young, men. (It's "racis" to identify criminals by race, unless they're upper class white males from Duke University who are accused of raping a a black prostitute.)

In 2011, Cleveland TX, residents were shocked when as many as 18 "youths" (i.e. blacks age 15-29) kidnapped an 11 year Hispanic girl, took her to an abandoned trailer, and repeatedly gang raped her as they video taped it on their cell phones, and distributed the video at high school, from which a student reported it. This kind of thing is not a crime in their "culture." It is a right of passage and a source of pride for them to brag about. After 18 arrests, a black civil rights "activist" named Quannel X denounced the arrests as "racis" because no white people were arrested and besides, "where were the parents of the 11 year old when the "brothers" were raping her? (Get it? It's the fault of the parents. They should have known that if they let their daughter leave their house she would have been abducted and raped by "youths" and "teens". ) Of course no white people were arrested because no white "youths" participated in the gang rapes.,4446416.story

Barack Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, describes how his African grandfather purchased an African woman for the price of 15 cows in the 1930's...seventy years after slavery was abolished in the US! Obama's book details how raping and beating women is just a cultural thing in Kenya. Interestingly enough, Obama's book reveals that his African grandfather opposed Barack Sr's marriage to a white woman, in part, because white women were pampered and would not tolerate it when you get drunk and beat the crap out of them the way African women do.

This latest story from Sweden is just that...the latest about gang rape of a Swedish national by "Asylum Seekers" who are Africans or Muslims. There has been an epidemic of gang rapes in Scandanavia, and Austrailia by these "Asylum seekers" who run away from their own countries for a "better life." To them a "better life" means more welfare benefits and more white women to gang rape.

Prior to huge waves of third world immigration and third world "cultural practices" of gang raping women, whether their own or non-whites, gang rapes were almost unheard of in Scandanavia.

I predict that as Europe descends further into chaos in the face of governmental politically correct refusals to act, some European variant of "lynching" will emerge as common people are forced to act in the spirit of self-preservation.

Last edited by Don; 12-11-2011 at 07:31 PM.
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