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Old 11-05-2011, 10:53 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
The only people that should be receiving any kind of government money anywhere for any reason is if they are US citizens. Nobody else should be getting anything. If you are an immigrant to the US and have become a naturalized citizen and you can't take yourself, it is time for you to go back to where you came from. Naturalized citizens need to be excluded from welfare protection.

And always remember that welfare, for food and housing is just that. The problem starts with seeing it as an entitlement. Public welfare protects the public, the public being citizens. It protects citizens from poverty and it protects the rest of the citizens from the consequences of other citizens who, for whatever reason, are forced to live in poverty. The public should not have to tolerate homelessness. No citizen should have to worry about living on the streets or getting food to eat. And they shouldn't have to go begging for it from family or churches or anything like that.
Anchor babies are US citizens and are using our welfare system as a lifestyle from generation to generation. Maybe where you live it isn't a impacting as it is here in California, but we sure see it. Maybe it's ok with you that these families game the system and are paid to tend to their own family members, but it's not ok with me.
Before welfare people took care of their own and didn't expect society to be responsible for supporting them while they tended to their children or parents, but today they have their hand out saying "I want to be paid by your tax dollars to tend to may family" and that seems to be fine with you.

What happen to being responsible? Welfare hasn't "protected" the public, it's destroying society as more and more shuck there responsibilities and expect others to support them. It doesn't "take a village" to raise a child, it takes two responsible parents!!!!!
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