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Old 10-04-2011, 08:10 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
Here is another angle.

If illegal immigrants are being educated in this country, then why aren't they taking their education back to the country they came from? If they actually learned anything, then it's bound to be valuable somewhere even if they can't work here.

This is the whole point of education visas for people who come in legally. It is an opportunity for people from disadvantaged countries with poor educational systems to advance their countries by being educated abroad, in the US for example. They return and advance socially and advance their country by the contributions they make. Education visas were never intended to be immigration programs.

And this should apply to illegal immigrants as well. If they manage to get educated, then this is all the more reason for them to be shipped back home. But at this point whether they are actually being educated is a really huge "if".
The majority of them didn't grow up in the country they were born in, there is not a connection to those countries as there would be if most came to the US as adults to study in higher education. The populace of the parental home countries tend to repudiate them as "genuine" countrymen - too Americanized.

A lot of "higher education" in America, I believe, tends to be propagandistic social engineering and dispensation of political view on the naive rather than genuine education and transference of knowledge.

As well, what real use is a major in Chicano Studies or most of the rest with the word "studies" tagged to the course? Not much except for someone geared to clog the courts with spurious lawsuits or to poison kids with "ethnic" racism and other agendas.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 10-04-2011 at 08:15 PM.
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