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Old 10-02-2011, 09:32 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post

Who are "they"?

I like John and Ken.

I don't know who this Cabrera is, and lots of times the allegations are way inflated.

No one should be threatened with violence on either side. It turns both sides into mirror copies of each other - the very worst and most extreme of both sides become the faces of those sides, just ratchets up mutual hate.

Anonymous assholes - of any race or conviction - can create all sorts of distractive havoc.

Will followers of John and Ken be willing to collectively support the radio station in the event of a boycott of its bread and butter, revenue through advertisers?

Who are "they"? Well, millions of filthy stinking Mexican invaders who break into our country and then try to take away our free speech rights, like those named in the LA Times story. Of course they demand gag rules against American citizens. Why shouldn't they? We rolled over and let them in here to steal from us, take our jobs, dumb down our schools, bankrupt our hospitals and transform our once beautiful communities into filthy stinking Mexican slums. Why should they show any respect for us now?

You're wrong about violence. People who try to steal our country from us should not only be threatened with violence, but should be targeted with violence. Our military should be killing them (but not interfering if they're headed south to the border) and our citizens should be lynching them.

Now we have this idiot Rick Perry who wants to send US troops to Mexico. He's got it all usual. You want them out of here, you don't bomb Mexico, you bomb East L.A. You make it more dangerous for them here than in their own country. Making war in Mexico is not only a violation of their soverignty, but will cause more to come here as "refugees." (Gag)

I want Mexico to be the safest place in the world....for MEXICANS and the USA to be the most dangerous place in the world for them.

Third world savages from Mexico are equally as willing to kill us as their own kind in Mexico and will do so when the balance of power, in terms of population numbers and political influence, reaches the point of no return.
Please don't give me any of that tolerance bull sh.i.t. and lecture me about "violence." They're invading our country. We're not invading theirs.
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