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Old 09-27-2011, 09:24 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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A little bit further to what I said: I too agree that the job situation is abysmal. And the time has long since past for the Obama administration to keep blaming Bush. The Democrat policies put the economy in the tank and BHO just isn't smart enough or experienced enough to fix it.

However, going back years economist Milton Friedman was the proponent of outsourcing American manufacturing, turning the USA into a consumer nation of cheap goods and anyone who reads what he proposed knows that his proposal included "re-training" American workers.

The shoe industry went overseas, then textiles, then television, then furniture, computers, appliances, toys, home products and just about everything else. American manufacturers closed shop in the USA and went to Mexico and China.

NAFTA free trade bankrupt hundreds of thousands of small Mexican farmers so the migrants just crossed over and came North. So jobs went out and foreigners came in. And Wal-Mart, GE, Westinghouse and GM are still doing the same old, setting up in China. The present Obama debacle is just one component. This present dilemma just didn't happen in a couple of years. It as building for a long time. Just look at the population increase charts in the last 100 years also. Swarms of job seekers increasingly competing every day.

Present day unemployed have a choice: Take menial, undesirable jobs or re-train.

I posted elsewhere that Obama is likely to be a one term President and every day it looks more and more like it will happen. There won't be any relief until that really does happen.

Last edited by wetibbe; 09-27-2011 at 09:35 AM.
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