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Old 08-10-2011, 11:31 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by CitaDeL View Post
If you think that this cannot happen here, you are a fool. Our crisis is just now beginning to bud- I suspect it will not be long before it flowers and bears fruit. Whether or not you live in an urban area, you should make preperations to defend yourself. If you do live in an urban area, getting out should be your primary contingency.
Getting out may be a short and useless remedy. Living in a rural area might move immediate turmoil away, but urban areas are densely populated for a reason. They are close to sources of necessities. Often they are ports, and other strategic points. abandoning strategic points would give an opponent quite an advantage for long term. rural dwellers might just get starved out or controlled too, although they might survive the initial turmoil. Bottom line is that if you want to control your destiny, the best way is to network with like minded people in your immediate vicinity, and fight or work to make your vision the prevailing one.
But yes; the london thing; the egyptian thing; the libyan thing; the mexican thing. None are immune, and maybe even have the same entities at the root of the problem or even purposely causing it. No reason whatsoever to expect any different here. We've imported enough foreigners here recently to be as unstable as any of them. We've got many of the same factors involved, and we have corrupt trash within our government who would willingly sell us out, or at least refuse to lift a finger to protect us.
This is one of the reasons I go on those urban rifle hikes. I want the authorities to know and expect armed people who are NOT out to cause misery and destruction. This is also one of the reasons I've been taking up our right to fish. I want people to know that they have a right to feed themselves, and government cannot take that away without permission from us. and lastly, this is one of the reasons I fight for the right to a jury trial. These days the courts try to force that infraction BS on us, so we are beholden to some sort of judicial heirarchy form of resolution. All three of those are etched in virtual stone, and taking short of an act of god to take away. But you have to see them, feel them, and touch them, or they don't exist for anything short of historical reference. If rioting starts up here and curfews or other restrictions start becoming commonplace, our only defense is invoking our rights. The best thing to do is to get aquainted with them now, and even better...get the local law enforcement aquainted with you using them.
"What are you doing out on the street sir?"
"I'm headed to the river to fish, thank you".
"And why are you armed sir?".
"That's for my protection while I fish sir".
"I am going to sieze your firearm sir, and confiscate your pole, since you are out in violation of curfew".
"My rights trump your curfew sir; that's why they call them rights, and not privilidges"
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