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Old 11-25-2009, 03:30 PM
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JB_Parrothead JB_Parrothead is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mexifornia
Posts: 48

I believe her "canned rhetoric" on the illegal immigration issue is due to ignorance. All career politicians are ignorant of that issue and rely solely upon the National Council of La Raza and The SPLC to fill them in.

They aren't out there competing for jobs, space and spots in line at the grocery store, doctor's offices and emergency rooms with them. They have no clue. They don't have to share neighborhoods with them and have not seen the decline in the quality of life these invaders have brought upon the every day Jane and Joe Citizens in smalltowns USA. These career politicians don't have a clue what it's now like to have to be "forced" to get used to drive by shootings, loud music at all hours of the day and night and chickens running around loose crapping everywhere in your once peaceful and quiet neighborhoods.

Palin on the other hand is still living in the last American Cultural bubble in Alaska. They have not had to deal with this as we have had to. Someone who knows the score needs to take her on a tour of LA, the border and cities that have been basically shut down economically because of illegal immigration, the overcrowding in our schools the attack on our NATIONAL LANGUAGE and she needs to see the flight of decent law abiding, tax paying American citizens from towns and cities where the illegal alien populations have grown exponentially within the past 5 to 10 years. I think she would be interested in hearing about it straight from the horse's mouth insead of from the horse's a_ _, like La Raza, The SPLC and bleeding heart liberals who like to give away everyone elses money, freedoms and country just to make themselves feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

Last edited by JB_Parrothead; 11-25-2009 at 03:33 PM.
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