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Old 05-20-2011, 03:52 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default My thoughts

As a conservative Republican I like both Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman for their attitudes and political positions. And as an NRA member and hunter I like Sarah's fondness of fishing and hunting.

I suppose I like them because I see the other side of women such as Nancy Pelosi. Maxine Waters, Barbara Boxer and numerous others and thus I am thankful that all women are not alike. To me it's nice to have the females in my camp. conservatives, and liking guns and fishing rods too instead of bleating for amnesty, open borders and bans on guns and hunting.

However, both Sarah and Michelle are way down in the polls and there isn't anything on the horizon, that I can see, that will move either one up to be serious contenders who have a shot at the nomination.

I'm shocked that Ron Paul isn't even mentioned in the polls on Fox news now.

My guy is Mitt Romney. Now that Huckabee and Trump dropped out and Gingrich floundered on the rocks Mitt seems to be in the lead.
Famous former mayor of NYC, Ed Koch, said if a candidate had 12 points and you agree with nine go with him/her. There is no perfect candidate.

As it stands now, Obama may not have a very good chance at re-election for several reasons. Not only his eligibility, which he wont be able to prove to the satisfaction of several states, but also the economy, gas prices, inflation, illegal immigration, foreign policy, and a host of other issues including Obamacare and energy/environment, drilling

Last edited by wetibbe; 05-21-2011 at 02:18 AM.
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