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Old 05-18-2011, 05:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Greg in LA View Post
Yes one could do a break down of how Senators and Congressmen vote on border and immigration issues based on their religion or race.
I am definatly not saying that Christians are not also on the wrong side of the immigration issue, look at Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, McCain, Grahamnesty...

My response was to Twoller who made the incorrect assertion that the enemies of Israeli sovereignty and a secure Israeli border are also enemies of American Sovereignty and our border.

I just showed him that based on an unbiased tally of voting records, Jews in Congress are near unanamous in their efforts to weaken our border security, and our sovereignty through wreckless legal and illegal immigration. Over 90% of the Jews in congress get a Numbers USA failing Grade.

The fact that Jews in congress are so glaringly on the wrong side of the immigration issue is obvious to me.

One could say that the uniformity of the voting record of the Jews in congress is just a coincident and not connected, but I think that would be naive.

People with dual loyalties usually don't see the need for strong American sovereignty. Mexican/ Hispanic Americans likewise are a reliable vote against strong border security and for amnesty. So are some other ethnic groups. I guess I am generally suspicious of all dual loyalties. One could also say that ethinc and tribal loyalties cloud everyones motives. That is why I make my loyalties clear and upfront... I have choosen my side and that is American and Christian.
The loyalty issue is key here, because I doubt that many or even most of those representatives you mentioned are even loyal to the cloth as well. They may call themselves jewish, and practice just enough judasim to con the general public, but I doubt they could pass any real scrutiny. Many religions have their posers. I might point out one of our previous management who wears her christianity like a uniform. But irrefutable evidence exists that she habitually violates many of christianity's basic tenets (read.. commandments). There are lots of posers who are associated with the practice of various religions who in reality are little more than hyenas wearing sheepskins. Here's where statistics, and I mean unbiased ones, really matter. First you have to set the criteria for the category. Are the Feinstein's, et al religious jews or just sheepskin jews? I'd bet you'd find the latter true. You might more consider that there is a cross section politicians who may have come from jewish roots, but they are likely new-jews that forsake any of the actual religious practices that interfere with the practice of making money and seeking power. If you want to recast the categories, I might be in agreement with you on some of your assertions. But I sincerely doubt you can come up with unbiased statistics that would prove jews in general want to destroy American sovereignty, unless you use polling practices similar to the ones the media does when they want to show support for amnesty.
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