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Old 05-07-2011, 09:03 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 801
Default Hey Guys !

I know that Ron Paul was very popular here among many. So I zipped it up. But truthfully I was never a strong supporter of him. He had a couple of positions that were completely unrealistic and detrimental. Even though he also had some positions that I applauded and strongly supported.

His idea that we can't deport all of them is something that I do not agree with. However, he is no dummy. There are two premises:

!. He may have rolled over to pander for the Latino vote.

2. He may actually understand, and realize, the pitfalls of sending all illegal aliens home.

We cannot deport all. Some countries refuse to take them.

Many Mexicans are "be backs" they simply sneak across again the next day, over and over.

Mexicans and Guatemalans that we deport will join the cartels and pack bundles across in droves.

Let' recognize that deportees will not simply pile up in despicable hovels on the outskirts of cities and towns.

From a realistic view the world is becoming seriously over populated. These migrant problems are seen all over the world in many countries. It is future shock. It will get much worse over the decades. I won't be around to see it but my grand children will.

Not to be pessimistic and down but the original indigenous native Americans saw it in their time. Enough said.
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