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Old 11-23-2009, 08:50 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Posts: 336

Originally Posted by The Waco Kid View Post
Gees!!!! This little revelation is certainly great to hear! WTF! How pathetic.

"Under the spell"? What the hell does that mean? You can't think for yourself? You have no idea how incredibly stupid not to mention unsettling your comment is. Are you a sheep or a human?

This is why I have chosen to no longer participate with any group.

As I look at all of you pontificating and angonizing over this tripe I find it to be ridiculous and I wonder why I ever wasted my time with any of this nonsense.

Posting on this board because you got your feelings hurt (or for whatever) ain't doing squat to change anything with amnesty or the illegal invasion. It looks like most of you (Jean) don't do much else and are using this as a substitute for your lack of a life. While I have sympathy for your plight I suggest you stop cyber jerking and get involved at the local, city and state level to address the issue. Stop whining non-stop on a computer forum....

God help us all if cyber-whiners are all we have left to stop the illegal invasion.

And your pathetic attempt at chiding us is even more pathetic. Most of the people on this board were the ones that were out in the field dealing with the reconquistas. Now go back and report to, fly away.
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