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Old 11-23-2009, 08:15 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
It is an absurd myth that immigration had anything whatsoever to do with any of the high tech institutions and industries in any of the industrialized countries. All you have to do is look at the level of high tech industries that exist in the countries that these high tech immigrants come from. Nothing that any of these so-called contributors have done in the high tech industries came out of the countries they came from. And if they really have made any contributions, then why haven't they made similar contributions in their countries of origin. They can't claim any accomplishments performed outside of this country. They are the high tech equivilant of leaf blower monkeys who come here legally, take up space, puke up babies and blow crap all over the place.

There is no contribution that any immigrant can claim that was made as a result of some license that a US citizen granted to these people to get something done. And meanwhile, these same US citizens crap all over their fellow citizens and steal their creative works to give to these same parasites they ship in from places like India and other countries too.

We didn't need them, we don't need them and we need to quit repeating the fairy tale that they have done anything that couldn't have been done -- and should have been done -- by people already here.
This is one of the negative issues that accompanies our current immigration woes. There are many good immigrants from countries like India, but the US imports so many period, that they become overshadowed and infected by the distaste that is quite obviously growing within the American citizen and American worker class. I think we would not be exhibiting the level of hostility towards people from other countries had we not been led down this path by current levels of immigration and certainly illegal immigration. It is the system that is causing the backlash, and not the individuals who oppose it. But we need to struggle to keep the right villains in the crosshairs of our fight, because as we can see, the architects of the scheme have been somewhat successful at directing our anger at other countries and their emigres
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