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Old 04-10-2011, 06:52 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican View Post
sounds like my neighborhood. LOL.

out of respect to you, my apologies for that comment.
However, this dude needs to lay off the attacks, I don't back down from any fight. I assumed we'd all be on the side of securing the borders when I joined this site ... perhaps I've adapted to the mentality of the enemy a tad in assuming the necessity of ruthlessness in all conflict
We practice a high degree of tolerance in regards to people's disgreements here. And ruthlessness can be a necessary component in battle. I think crudeness was more the problem in this case, and while that's a more common form of behavior among those of us already having developed close working bonds with each other, it is usually not well recieved in a wider spectrum.
On your differences, I personally think you have missed what Ilbegone was conveying, and that he is not sympathizing with illegals generally, but rather lobbying for a measured controlled, response to their infractions so that we do not get perceived as Atilla-the-Hun types. There are several component portions of battle; some are calculated physics, some are brute strength, and some are psychological. Some of the psych strategy is that you don't want to help your opponent win friends and influence people that may in turn come to their aid. To preserve high ground in that arena, it's better to be seen as victim rather than aggressor. There is a time and place to embrace less reserved strategies, ie - when your opponents are crashing through your home with machetes. Then it's (break glass) and exhibit ruthlessness. Do it before that, and you risk losing the fence sitters/nuetrals to the other side
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