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Old 04-09-2011, 06:46 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican View Post
It has crossed my mind that you're a federal agent attempting to entrap or ensnare anyone who makes a random rhetorical comment after a hard day of life in a 98% hispanic area, by goading them into activities which might get them prosecuted/persecuted by the powers what be.
Your sympathy for the illegals gave you away. Prove me wrong if I am. And I may or may not make it down there, depending who else shows / what I have planned that day. There's a big event at my church that day, and family coming from out of town ...
What deductive powers you have...

And I've experienced that

hard day of life in a 98% hispanic area,
in the San Fernando Valley, downtown LA, and much of the rest over a wide swath of California. I've been to their houses and worked in their literal back yards as well as having been surrounded by them all day long - including as co-workers.

And the woman who shares my bed is a first generation American. Her parents, both born in Mexico, came here as children according to the legal standards of their time - her father as an orphan, and it was a hard life.

Every illegal who has come to this country as an adult needs to be deported, whether I Individually like or despise any of them. There's been too much damage. However, illegals are the symptom of the disease - they are right in front of us. However, if there is anyone to hate with an undying passion it is the politicians who sold you down the river to accommodate employers who hire them. They are the ones who caused all this.

The problem you have with me is that I have little tolerance for race obsession - and I don't care what color the obsessionist is.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-09-2011 at 07:29 AM.
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