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Old 04-01-2011, 08:45 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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I think your last paragraph has some merit. BTW, since when is Geraldo Rivera right wing? __________________
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Heraldo is a staunch cheer leader for Latinos/Hispanics and sympathetic to the "La Raza" . That I don't like. Can't really muster up much in the way of defending his other attitudes and opinions but the Guy really does come out with some objective reporting that I really like a lot and agree with. He is thorough and often very incisive. When he and Bill O'reilly have one one one conversations I enjoy them. Apart from that he is a Fox news contributor and as such I'm not too sure that it gives him any leeway with the conservative crowd. At least he isn't on CNN or Chris Matthews or MSNBC with Keith Olberman.

I think that maybe my problem with listening to the conservatives may have something to do with my diminishing tolerance for blather and tired rhetoric. I like action. Not useless jawboning, whining and complaining endlessly over and over day after day, week after week, month after month..

As to SOS's current status and future, I personally believe that it should continue with renewed vigor and vitality. Now some words:

I have attended the street events and meetings of other Patriot Groups in my area. We are in daily contact. But I have always declined their many invitations to join or merge. They know that I support them. I stay in the shadow and under the radar. I shun publicity. But I also vigorously support law enforcement.

SOS may consider some clandestine, spook, efforts to detect employers of illegal aliens and report them to ICE. It's remarkably easy. I do it all the time. But I'm completely fluent in Spanish. I just walk up and start a friendly, innocuous conversation. I ask for ID and they pull out their Matricula Consulares.

I also join with local labor union business agents. I ride around with them to construction sites where they absolutely know who is illegal and a bandit contractor. You would be amazed at how much they know.

Things change. Things evolve. SOS shouldn't stay in the same old rut. They should rethink, innovate and improvise.

There are not that many of us around. We need to stick together.

Last edited by wetibbe; 04-01-2011 at 08:57 AM.
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