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Old 04-01-2011, 08:41 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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I'm not sure those are the best courses of action. Let's follow a third plan:

Why don't you continue with the same conduct you've been practicing for the past year? This way, when things are exactly the same in three, six or nine months from now, and yet another person asks why we haven't staged an event for fill in the blank, you can tell him/her:

A. The event committee is open, it's always been open.
B. There's just a lot of apathy out there right now, I'm seeing it everywhere and not just in immigration ...
C. We're doing pretty well for an organization people threw under the bus and tried to strangle!
D. We're here to poke, prod, encourage and assist ...
E. We can't force anyone to organize something. I can lead a horse to water ...
F. Well, we just had an election season go by, people have been pretty worried about this economy and that's keeping them busy ...

That way, when pressed on the subject, you won't have to invent new irrelevant and inaccurate excuses, you can utilize the old reliable ones that have been field tested.
When the event committee did organize, you did nothing but criticize the main person engaged in organizing. You berated her, belittled her, condescended, antagonized, impugned, and even torpedoed her in the full view of the rest of the committee. Is it any wonder that the others would be reluctant to take the initiative after witnessing that bit of savage, unwarranted, and undeserving action?
And now you'd have me stand before the remaining crew, with the executioner still sword in hand, and ask "alright, who's next?"
Hell no! That's not me. I get out and provide example instead. I'm not afraid of you either. I don't care which side of the immigration issue you're on; The treatment is still the same. And that's why we don't curtail or silence you. We're not going to take the nightingale approach, and that of several other organizations/websites that have censored you and others for perceived or real infractions. What we are going to do is let the record speak for you. So it's up to you how you want to be remembered.

As for the event committe, it is still open. We still want action, and we still welcome participation. You can apply yourself, or complain about how others don't. The former has at least a chance of success. The latter has a pre-ordained outcome. I choose the chance of success. I beg others to do the same
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