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Old 04-01-2011, 07:36 AM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
To hell with you!
If you want the place closed down, you'll be in the company of the open borders lobby, the la raza crowd, the faction of the republican party that lobbies for amnesty, the democrat heirarchy that supports mexico, the mexicans who support illegal immigration, the religious factions , and the SPLC who never met a border security or immigration law enforcement support group they didn't hate.
I'll go past that and issue you this:
If you want the place closed down, you can fight me, sue me, or overthrow me. Short of that, it's not going to happen. Your continuing effort at this has me starting to visualize you as a more educated version of Schwilk
Yeah, I know that happens. I get mistaken for Schwilk all the time. I'm getting tired of people serving me with papers and then apologizing.
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