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Old 03-31-2011, 05:13 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
I guess I haven't explained this too well. I understand that I personally play into the apathy by not participating as much myself. So yes, it's partly me, but there are also external factors which affect my attitude. In the "old days", if you remember, there were thousands of posts every day on any number of topics, and you couldn't help but stay interested. I found this board to be really inspirational, and I definitely think it was a factor in my more frequent activism back then. Even before SOS changed hands it was getting to the point where you might start a thread or make a post and not one person would answer you. After a while that gets pretty discouraging. I don't mean to imply that my passion for the illegal immigration issue is any less than it ever was, because it's not. It just seems a little bit lonely right now. I'm not saying it's a rational position, but it's the way I feel.
It's not just here Phil; The posting and activism is down everywhere; the gun forums, the cop forums, the first amendment forums, all of them I am active on. It isn't SOS; It isn't the immigration law enforcement movement; I don't know what it is, but I'm not going to give in to it. When I feel that way, I just get out and do something. Even if it's a little something that people laugh at or ridicule. I figure my opposition is in the same condition, and I'm not opposed to kicking them when they're down. Try and cheer up, and consider my suggestion
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