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Old 03-31-2011, 05:29 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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From post #3 to the very end of this thread, is what I have been wanting to read since the Egypt conflict started.
There is some one/thing behind the unrest besides ' citizens wanting freedon'. Someone wants all the Mid East I believe. The plan seems to be well thought out. I was amazed that we turned on Mubark, he was our friend, why him?
What are we going to do when we have the same kind of 'uprising' in this country? I do think it is coming.

I want to thank everyone who has posted in this thread, most people I know do not want to talk politics so I am mostly left to my own thoughts.

I will say that I don't think we should have been involved in firing a single shot or missile into Libya. Those people did not have anything nor any training for the fight they started. I have heard them say "We need help" and " Where is Obama".
Only a fool will start a war they know they cannot win.
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