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Old 03-31-2011, 12:27 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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OK, we finally got some video up of the protest:

First, here's a clip of one of our signs:

Next, the marchers main thrust starts up:

Notice we do get some support within the marchers. You have to look for it, but it's there. Thumbs up, and some waves. Also, some smiles

The second clip here is the next wave of marchers, and once again, support come from within. One guy actually says his dad came here legally

And finally, this last clip as a smaller crowd filters through, shows even more support.

Can't help but notice that a lot of the jeering at us came in waves. probably from more liberal schools.

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola; 03-31-2011 at 12:40 AM.
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