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Old 11-22-2009, 10:01 AM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Sam, I never had a problem with any of those people. And to this day I still really don't. If they are not happy with us, well so what. But I don't get my information through the feelings of others. I go to the source. I am not framing my actions of what you perceive as 'stupid' and will not treat others a certain way because you feel that is how I should treat them. William never did anything to me, neither have any of these people in this "trailer-park caliber turf war" as you put it. I will conduct myself with the respect I expect other which includes you to give me. Remember you're not my boss, or in any other capacity that can dictate what or who I should communicate with.

You miss the entire point(s).

1. There is little or nothing to be gained by settling this. What William Gheen or Jeff Schwilk loudly proclaim has practically no impact on anything we do.

2. If you've followed the path of this moronic squabble (Gheen/Nightingale, et al. v. Gilchrist/Spencer) you realize that reasoned points will never change anyone's mind.

3. By posting your writings on this website, and the accompanying responses, you are successfully A) Giving importance and credibility to the debate, and B) dragging this fledgling organization directly into the middle of the conflict in the same fashion as did Chelene Nightingale.

Jean, I like you, I think you're far from stupid or a drama queen, but that rates up there with some of the most boneheaded moves I have seen in the past few years. I cannot imagine what possessed you to pursue this stupid argument, and in such a public fashion that included in Save Our State. There was nothing to be accomplished by what you attempted, and could more likely result in the same divisions among our membership that tore apart some of the organization we are trying to rebuild.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. I was really astounded by what you posted.
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