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Old 03-22-2011, 09:44 AM
Cole Younger Cole Younger is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
But those politicians in question have to be sent a clear message how we feel
So,...How do we feel? I have spent the last day catching up on much of the soap opera's, splintered so-called patriot factions, name calling, harassment, law suits etc. and I will tell you, it's a big disappointment.

When this movement started, none of this BS occurred. Many of the old timers know who I am but not under this user name. I was there at the beginning (I "think" I was #25 on the membership of SOS) . I left after it came clear to me that a certain decisions where being made that made no sense and would become counter productive to the cause. I didn't get banned, I asked that my membership be removed.

With that being said in my opinion the movement lost it's way. It failed to expand into other issues. Save Our State sole purpose was a anti-illegal immigration organization with one goal in mind. Well, its been 6 years and what have you really accomplished? There is very little unity and too many self serving individuals taking advantage of a issue to further personal goals such as running for political offices with no real hope of winning. It was a waste of time, effort, and money / resources.

Politics is the end game but it has to be done in a realistic fashion. These small so-called patriot factions have no chance of creating a viable candidate.

So tell me, how is stopping illegal immigration into this State going to save it? The state faces 500 billion (1/2 trillion) of unfunded pension stopping illegal immigration going to fund those pension plans?

Look, I will make this simple and to the point. Being a single issue activist group will get you no where. You are not going to get the broad voter support you need to make political change a reality.

"Save Our State" should be much broader than anti-illegal immigration which is something Joe Turner and the rest of the the crowed failed to recognize or capitalize on. This State faces real problems. Illegal immigration is a part of the problem but not the only problem. If you want membership to grow, this organization needs to re-organize and be multifaceted. I am not suggesting abandoning a anti-illegal immigration stance, but incorporating a stance against corruption, lobbying, special interest, government waste, taxes, etc.

Make illegal immigration part of the platform, not the whole platform.

Rant on...

Last edited by Cole Younger; 03-22-2011 at 09:46 AM.
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