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Old 03-21-2011, 10:02 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
This is the key.

Too many people obsess about pregnant Mexican women and forget about what made it all possible.

The politicians.

Both parties have something to gain from illegal migration. The only difference is that one wants "immigrant" clout in voting numbers exchanged for "social" freebies and the other wants a non voting slave class exchanged for business political favor.

So the parties have to be circumvented and individuals selected for office who have the right interest.

After all, that's how we have the problems we do - through decades of grass roots organizing and successfully portraying brown racism as "cultural pride", the open borders racists have the education system in their pocket and have swayed the political battle, at least in California, their way.

I have come to the conclusion that until it is recognized and understood that politicians have allowed employers to evade immigration law and ignore "Immigration" judges circumventing deportation in over 60% of the cases brought before them while "educators" propagandize our youth to our sovereignty negation and cultural destruction, it is largely a waste of time to publicly chastise illegally present vendors of bacon wrapped hot dogs.

Errant politicians need to be run off while appropriate candidate selections are presented, and that's not accomplished by bagging on pregnant Mexican women.
Nobody cared before. Before the protests that is. People were afraid or reluctant to speak up before people like us hit the streets with protest signs, made commentary on social media websites, and spoke out at public meetings. So we pointed out the invading lawbreakers were multiplying at our expense, and guess what? People took up the anchor baby loophole. Now it's in play in the political spectrum
sorry, but you just don't go from one individual getting pissed off, to the politicians office, to change, without some hard, thrashing, social discourse, whereby you pick up either enemies or friends.
We've been doing the right thing, given what we have to work with.
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