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Old 03-08-2011, 04:52 AM
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Mendoza dabbling in "Equal Rights"

Mendoza Introduces Bill to Provide Equal Rights to Classified School Employees
Legislation Gives Classified Employees a Voice in Charter School Petition Process

SACRAMENTO, CA - Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Norwalk) introduced AB 86 last week, a bill that would provide equal rights to classified employees to participate in the charter school petition process. If AB 86 passes through both houses of the legislature and is signed by Governor Brown, it would require at least one-half of permanent classified employees estimated to work at a charter school to sign a petition to start a new charter school, and it would also require at least 50 percent of permanent classified employees currently employed at a public school to sign a petition to convert an existing school into a charter school. The bill is sponsored by Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

"AB 86 would establish a fair process for classified employees to show their interest in being employed by a charter school," explains Assemblymember Mendoza.

This bill would provide classified employees the same rights as those afforded to teachers by allowing classified employees to participate in the petition signature process in the same manner as teachers when establishing new charter schools or converting existing schools into charters.

"Classified employees play an important role in our education system by assisting with special education classes, English learners, and a variety of other duties," says Assemblymember Mendoza. "It is clear that the creation of a charter school will impact classified employees, and I believe they should be given a voice in the process."

Assemblymember Mendoza, a public school teacher and current Chair of the California Latino Legislative Caucus, proudly serves the 56th District.
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