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Old 11-21-2009, 02:36 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
How many "legal" immigrants do you think we should allow into the country to compete with unemployed Americans for jobs, housing, health care and other public benefits?

I would love to have an answer to this question. For years people have taken great pains to clarify that they are not against all immigration, but only against "illegal" immigration. [I guess it's OK if third world hordes come here "legally" to take our country away from us without firing a shot.]

I have repeatedly asked this question: "How many legal immigrants do you want?) As yet I have never received a direct, honest answer.

If you support "legal immigration," please state how many "legal" immigrants you would like to be brought into the country to compete with unemployed Americans for jobs and public benefits?

If you are opposed to all immigration, both "legal" and "illegal", then you're on the same page that I am.
Well maybe an equal number as the amount of Americans who immigrate to other countries. But I nor do I think anyone on this board has all the facts to give you a proper answer. It just seems you come across as a bit aggressive. Maybe I'm reading what you wrote wrong. How someone writes something and how they mean it don't always come across exactly as the writer meant. I do agree with you that we should cut way back on immigration, but not that it should be cut completely. This is how I believe many Americans feel, but then again, I could be wrong on that thought also. We are not being informed by the media and many others as to the exact truth on the issue.
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