Thread: Want a laugh?
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:49 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
Continent Thief
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Tralfamador
Posts: 454

I would add these to the list:

If you think multiculturalism should be promoted for its own sake, you might be a liberal.

If you believe that terrorists caught in this country after attempting to kill as many people must have their civil rights safeguarded, you might be a liberal.

If you believe that people who sneak into the country illegally is entitled to all the rights and privileges as legal American citizens, you might be a liberal.

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."
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