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Old 01-29-2011, 11:23 AM
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Mikell Mikell is offline
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Posts: 77

Carl said he is concerned, however, about misinformation about the program. He said he does not want people to expect "street sweeps" of immigrants.

"If not properly marketed, it could diminish the trust between immigrant communities and local law enforcement," Carl said. "You have to educate everyone."

The chief said he does not want to see fewer crimes reported by immigrants simply because they fear local police.

"We want victims and witnesses of crimes to come forward," he added. "The whole premise is to take criminals off the street."

Come on, most crime reported by an illegal was committed by an illegal.
Cut out the middle man and deport every one they find.

The government can find money to bail out Wall St and GM but they only have enough money to deport the dangerous aliens?
Do they stop deportations when they hit 400,000?
Still, I'm all for the Secure Communities Program.
No Fate
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