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Old 01-03-2011, 06:26 PM
4shadows 4shadows is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Thru out the world
Posts: 41

The movement, sos included has taken some trastic hits and imho the members, & public in general has given up. I have not. For reasons that some are aware of I cant go into specifics, but I am in Mexico alot and in dangerous places, no brag just fact. When we lost Campo, and again imho we lost it, we lost alot of momentum and spirit. I back sos now as I did a few years ago, but to keep the troops spirits alive they must be motivated and interested, not just up on what is going on, that is what the media does, inform us, people need their patriatism jump started for them to keep going. God Bless America and her people!
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