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Old 11-07-2010, 02:14 PM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Do you personally remember what California was like before December 7th, 1941? I'm not so sure you do.

If I remember the books right, there was a depression with a whole lot of hungry Americans.

There is a quote by writer Stella Hughes,

Just what were "the good old days"?

The good old days were when California was recognizably American, when American flags outnumbered Mexican flags and English speakers outnumbered babbling, squalling 3d world primitives.

No, I was not born until after WW2. I don't have personal knowledge of pre-war California, but neither do I have personal knowledge of the Roman Empire, the American Revolution, or anything else in history prior to my birth. Human beings rely on the historical record rather than on personal recollections because the span of history far exceeds the life of any single person. That's what distinguishes us as humans. We invent languages, writing, books, tools, and we create an historical record. Lower animals like cattle, sheep (and apparently you) don't rely on a written historical record and their knowledge is limited to what they've personally experienced in their own short life times.

Yes, there was a depression in the 1930's. Yes people were poor. But, California had a viable economy with oil, agriculture, motion pictures, aviation (Chas. Lindburgh's airplane was built at Ryan Aviation in San Diego and Hughes Aviation was in Culver City), in 1908, the first of several huge telescopes were installed at the Palomar Observatory on Mt. Wilson and there were huge fishing fleets operating out of San Diego, San Pedro and Monterrey. California was recognizably American and not a third world sewer like it is now.

In the good old days, before the onslaught of millions of third world primitives, schools were good even if students were poor, kids weren't shot by "minority" gang bangers on their way to and from them, and the quality of life was vastly superior in so many ways, even if people were not as well off as they'd like to be. My parents and others talked about the depression and whatever problems Americans might have had, they were never forced to flee their homes by an invasion of third world scum. When Pearl Harbor was attacked and we were threatened with invasion, the American government of that time at least defended the American people unlike the government today that has abandoned them.

As bad as things were during the depression, Americans migrated to California instead of out of it during that difficult time.

What is the title of this thread? THIS IS IT. GOING TO LEAVE CALIFORNIA ASAP.

If you think millions of third world cockroaches are so wonderful, why does your website have a thread with a string of people saying Screw it...I've had enough! [?]
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