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Old 11-04-2010, 09:11 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
We can fight. Just like we always have. There's no reason to quit, because there's no freedom anywhere unless you fight for it. That's the way it's always been everywhere.
We'll go on the offensive again real soon. We'll let the election hangover pass, and then start building up our forces again. California has some of the best climate and geography. There may be those of us who think they can survive and flourish in less hospitable areas, but I often see them return after a few years or less. If you end up being one of those who feel you can find a better life by leaving, I wish you the best, but it's not for me. I've been all over the country, and save for the climate in Florida and Hawaii, California is my choice. Hawaii is too expensive with limited opportunities, and Florida is too crowded and full of foreigners too
Well I know many who have left California but none who ever came back. The grass may not be greener in other states, but the cost of living is usually much lower. Nevertheless, I admire your fighting spirit.

I am actually bolstered by the elections, even as I think California is probably doomed. I believe that California will not change until it really crashes and burns. The state will be forced to default and the question will be whether or not the Fed Gov will provide a "bail out." I believe there will be overwhelming opposition to any proposal to "bail out" California, much like the hostility to the proposed New York City bailout under President Gerald Ford so many years ago. There is tremendous hatred of California in other parts of the country, some of which is a bi-product of the growing resistance to illegal immigration. Just look at Arizona! Arizonans are fighting for their country and I don't think they'll volunteer to pay more taxes to bail out a state like California that basically surrendered and ran up the white flag.

I don't know about actual secession, but I do see an increasing Balkanization of the country. The Health Care fiasco and other social programs will become increasingly irrelevant as the dollar collapses and massive French Revolution style civil unrest occurs. Some people are predicting hyperinflation, like in the post-WW1 Weimar Republic.

I guess one issue will be who gets to control the keys to the nuclear weapons? Kind of like the movie Crimson Tide with Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington where a US missile sub is dispatched to launch on mythical, disintegrating Russia where one faction gained control of part of its nuclear arsenal and is threatening to attack the USA.

Will Russia dispatch a nuclear sub to launch on us if some faction seizes part of our nuclear arsenal and threatens "world peace"? Kind of like Crimson Tide in reverse. Anything is possible. This election reveals significant fissures in the country that cannot be healed by feel-good rhetoric and slogans.

Obama is going to India with a fleet of jets and 34 warships at a cost of $200 million per day. Our country is disintegrating, people are massively unemployed and we're on the brink of economic collapse, and our meglomanical leader is going off on another vacation to live like royalty in the land of maharajas. This lunatic is totally disconnected from reality. He is like the emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Last edited by Don; 11-04-2010 at 09:17 AM.
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