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Old 10-02-2010, 10:29 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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So Mr Rick Sanchez opened his big mouth as wide as he could, inserted his foot until it came out his rear end and it was too much for his bosses to put
up with and so they fired the Cuban born asshole. Good for them.

I was also born in Cuba, Guantanamo to be exact, and I have frequently felt offended by people like Rick who just don't love this country after having come from a dismal failure of a banana Republic.

Here's how Rick thinks of the USA.

From Wikipedia:

"Sanchez was born in Guanabacoa, Cuba, a township of Havana, and immigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of two.[3] He grew up in Hialeah, Florida, a suburb of Miami. He attended Mae M. Walters Elementary School, Henry H. Filer Middle School, and Hialeah High School, graduating in 1977. Sanchez accepted a football scholarship to Minnesota State University Moorhead and transferred to the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis on a CBS/WCCO Journalism Scholarship in 1979.[4]

Of his childhood Sanchez has said, "I grew up not speaking English, dealing with real prejudice every day as a kid; watching my dad work in a factory, wash dishes, drive a truck, get spit on. I’ve been told that I can’t do certain things in life simply because I was a Hispanic."[1] He prefers to be called Rick Sanchez rather than use his birth name because, he said in a newscast in 2009, " ... I want to be respectful of this wonderful country that allowed us as Hispanics to come here, and I think it’s easier if someone’s able to understand me by Anglicizing my name." [2]

Sanchez worked as a delivery truck loader and as a City of Hialeah Parks and Recreation youth mentor." Rick thinks that in America he is a "minority" and has been treated very poorly. Maybe someone made him ride in the back of the bus or forced him to shine shoes while they referred to him as "boy".

Rick was always there for the illegals and in so doing embraced an anti-American ideal that made me furious.

For all of Rick's complaints he was treated like a king in the USA and he never
did anything worthy of his being in this country since he pulled for the illegals while denying the suffering they (and he by championing then) cause Americans.
Way to go Rick! Stick it to the Gringos that brought you prick!

I just can't stand him.
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