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Old 09-29-2010, 09:25 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
You cannot be serious....
You want me to write something for Chelena or her crew to pick up and run with? The only thing I'd offer to help her write is her confession

I don't want you to write anything. I want you to tell me how it could be improved. You said you don't like it. OK, so what could fix it?

Davi, you can't polish a turd. The author of that piece has to write about Chelene. That's the topic. That passage is not bad at all. It makes her sound All-American, family-oriented and portrays her as having a variety of experiences.

It highlights and polishes the good, and ignores or minimizes the bad.

Unfortunately, discovering the cure to cancer, possessing a towering intellect, building a financial empire or leading the life of an admirable role model aren't on the menu. That's not the author's fault, though.
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