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Old 09-29-2010, 05:20 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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This is beginning to look like a big scam. This employee of hers is quite obviously a liar. She tendered fraudulent documents to obtain employment, and kept up the facade for years. this seems to me to be BS about Whitman abusing her, and there seems to be no proof of that at all.
I'm not pro-whitman or anything, but I'm quite fed up with illegals claiming victimhood after having willingly perjured and forged in addition to living here illegally. Right now, I think it should be our position that we protect the American first, and that is whitman. If it turns out she had some knowledge, then we deal with that as we would anyone else that hired a single ineligible worker. But in the meantime, the illegal who forged and perjured seems to be self admitted at this point, and should be on her way to detention before breakfast.
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