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Old 09-22-2010, 06:41 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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First off, I do get that you are trying to show a correlation between the deterioration of our country and our neighborhoods that is occurring due to the onslaught of illegal immigrants from the third world, and that which happened due to the growth of the black demographic in inner cities and slums. I'll concede that there is some connection, however it is in historical reference now only. The only somewhat related theme is that greedy global traders deposited foreigners on US soil for profit and left the rest up to chance.
That's where the correlation ends though Don. The vast majority of blacks in America now descended from slavery and had no choice as to their being here. They were subject to centuries of discriminatory deprivation in education, employment, and opportunities. In short, the destruction of their ethics here was pretty much a national act, and not some genetic characterisitic. Conversely, the majority of illegal immigrants are willingly breaking in to the US, all but having taxpayer benefits forced upon them by some manipulative elements within our government, and granted special considerations in education, healthcare, and prosecution. Now before you go off telling me about the 1965 civil rights act, school intergration, and affirmative action, I'll say that once again there is a connection. But I'll also say that once you voluntarily create a sub class of humans it becomes exponentially more difficult to undo it. We have an obligation to black Americans that we don't have to illegal immigrants. Black people are Americans and illegals are foreigners.

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola; 09-22-2010 at 07:06 AM.
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