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Old 09-22-2010, 05:31 AM
Don Don is offline
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Several years ago a front page LA Times story described social welfare and urban renewal African style in Zimbabwe by the noble, tolerant humane African head of state: Bulldozers showed up one morning in the Capitol city and simply flattened all the slums, leaving the impovrished people to fend for themselves.

No outcry from the world press. The story was kind of what else would you expect from blacks? At least they don't eat each other any more.

Well, Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, has a family reunion scene when he visits his homeland, Kenya. Family members are sitting around discussing all of the wonderful African cultural practices, such as polygamy, buying women with cattle, beating women, and they talk about how the African government cleared out a nortorius slum in the same fashion: bulldozers showed up one morning and flattened the place after giving inhabitants a few minutes to pack their stuff and get the Hell out before the roof came down on them. No real outrage by Obama's family. Just kind of ho-hum, well that's life. (At least they didn't eat them.)

It seems that Kenya has an illegal immigration problem. Refugees from Ethiopia and other "liberated" countries flood into Kenya for a "better life" and the Kenyan government just ran them out with bulldozers...taking a page from the Israelis' treatment of Palestinians I suppose.

If you have not read Obama's book, you should do so. It's a real eye opener.
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