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Old 09-15-2010, 07:50 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

According to environmental report I read many years ago, from a biological, environmental standpoint the land mass of the USA should accommodate 50 million.

To clarify my above post concerning population shrinkage...

I believe the United States currently has a population of something like something around 210,000,000 as a high figure.

Illegals should be deported in order to open up some jobs for American citizens, there is no argument from me.

However, looking at it from a purely business angle:

Business is heartless, with loyalty only towards a PERCEIVED bottom line concerning profit.

People are a commodity to business, a part of trade. In various guises people are a market to extract profit from, an employable asset to be capitalized, a burden to be discarded (the disabled, incompetent, and elderly), and even a potential crisis or conflict to engineer and exploit with an aim towards profit. People sell productive time, often to the highest low ball offer of compensation.

No matter the state of the economy. Tens of millions of illegals in good times to displace "overpriced" domestic employees, fewer in bad times to the same result, what matters to big business is an over sized pool of people to over compete for jobs in whatever job market there is.

!9th century Robber Barons Jay Gould (Union Pacific) and Cornelius Vanderbilt (shipping) said respectively "I can hire half of the working class to hire the other half" and "The public be damned, I'm working for my stock holders".

The burden of welfare or other public subsidization of illegal aliens by society is not of a major concern or consequence to business -it is paid through the public tax burden rather than corporate payroll - a cost of the public subsidizing business.

I'll get into this some more tomorrow or so concerning trade, ursury, and some more, I'm tired.
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