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Old 09-09-2010, 04:42 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Oh yeah, saying anything that is not complimentary will cause a number of actions against the individual practicing their first amendment rights.

Not only will she personally begin the labeling of any individual that may rightly disagree with her and her methods as a "mole", "working for the other side", or an "anti-American" but she has Jeff Schwilk as her main bully boy sending ugly emails to those that she perceives as a threat to her fragile ego.

If anything this woman has engaged in a reign of terror in order to gain control over the anti-illegal immigration movement.

Everywhere she goes she leaves a trail of anger and inserts a wedge between those in this movement who otherwise would have gotten along.

Why in hell would anyone want someone like that in control of any Government position?

Eventually people wake up to her destructiveness and monstrous self centerdness but often it takes a good deal of time.

She is very good at convincing people to go along with her plans for the good of the movement, the nation or whatever but it becomes clearly evident that it is all to feed her ego and an abnormal desire to "lead"
people who can think better than she can.

Her candidacy is not a "third choice" or alternative to the utterly corrupt Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown since she is cut from the same cloth.

Soon she will lose the gubernatorial campaign and my guess is that she will continue to seek public office. This situation has given me an opportunity to see how human beings that are extremely flawed are propelled to positions of authority in politics by those who do not know them and then there is all the suffering that they bring about when power and control are achieved.

This woman has nothing to offer anyone. She needs to get out of the way and make room for more mature, intelligent, and prepared Americans pursuing public office to serve the people of the United States.

The AIP and the Constitution Party will remain losers if they don't begin to seriously vet their candidates.
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