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Old 09-08-2010, 03:04 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Not only will this event further endanger American soldiers, this event will endanger Christians that are living in countries controlled by the followers of the ancient Arabic moon god, allah (CNSNews).

Some of that predicted violence could well target Dove World’s co-religionists in the Islamic world, according to organizations working in countries where Christians are a vulnerable, sometimes persecuted minority.

Already Muslim militants in Indonesia have promised to kill Indonesian Christians if Qurans are burned in Florida, and the history of anti-Christian violence in the country suggests that this is not an idle threat,” Patrick Sookhdeo, international director of the Barnabas Fund, said Tuesday.

“Barnabas partners in Iraq have expressed concern at the probable Muslim backlash against an already beleaguered Iraqi Church. And Christians in numerous other places who live in daily fear of potentially deadly attacks will at once be placed in much greater danger,” he said. “It cannot be right to exercise our freedom to protest in a way that puts at risk the lives of our brothers and sisters, for whom Christ died.”

Sookhdeo, an expert on radical Islam, urged Dove World not to carry out its protest.

“Barnabas Fund is fully committed to making known the aspects of Islam that result in injustice and oppression of non-Muslims, not least the persecution of Christians,” he said.

“But we believe that the biblical and Christ-like way to do this is by speaking the truth in the power of God’s love, and by extending that love to Muslim people even when they are hostile to us. In that context it can never be justified to destroy a book that Muslims regard as sacred, however firmly and profoundly we may disagree with its contents.”

Pakistan Christian Congress president Nazir Bhatti also appealed to Jones not to go ahead with an event which he said would provide radical Islamists with another excuse to attack already at-risk Christians in Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt and elsewhere.
Emphasis mine.
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