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Old 09-08-2010, 02:33 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
MOM, lets be real. Our troups have been in harms way ever since we invaded Iraq and how many billions of dollars and lives has it cost us? That is not including Iraqi and others lives. Mr O, President Obama, was not in office when we invaded. Wish he had brought the troops home but everyone would have said we were quiters. Personally wish we had never gone there.
I agree. We never should have invaded Iraq. Even so, the invasion didn't go as badly it might have. But the motivation for invading was completely derelict and without consideration for the consequences. And opposition was pretty derelict as well.

They talk as if troops have left, but they haven't. Just combat operations have ceased. Finally. Meanwhile Iraq is still occupied with US troops and I haven't heard anything about when we can expect them to come home.
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