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Old 08-26-2010, 12:08 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I don't think it's really rewarding illegal families. Those who are ultimately responsible for personal illegality will be deported, those who came here with something other than the motivations of a child

Of course it is, and under the circumstances you have described, here's how it plays out:

Pablo and Juanita decide they want a better life for themselves and their children Paco, Pedro and Pepe. The parents decide that, in pursuit of this goal, they will unlawfully relocate to the United States and engage in whatever law violations will be necessary to perpetuate the family's existence there.

Pablo and Juanita sneak through Pima County, obtain jobs after settling themselves in an American city, and 6 months later manage to get the kids across the border, as well.

The family avoids detection for X period of time, at the conclusion of which they are "caught." Deportation proceedings for illegal residency commence immediately and it is quickly discovered that Paco and Juanita's children (now adults) were brought in as minors. Resultingly, Paco, Pedro and Pepe are granted permanent resident status, and Pablo and Juanita are deported back home (never to return).

As a direct result of their multiple law violations in pursuance of "The Better Life" objective (Conspiracy, Unlicensed Driving, Fraud, Identity Theft, Employment For Compensation While An Unlawful Resident, etc.) Pablo and Juanita have been rewarded with the following (at a bare minimum):

1. Legal residence in the U.S. for their children.
2. American citizenship for any and all of their grandchildren and family members produced by the grandchildren/later generations.
3. Multiple family members with the ability to obtain U.S. dollars and send them to Pablo and Juanita in the home country.

Essentially, the concept you authored provides the family a smaller reward than the amnesty in '86 or the Bush/Obama "comprehensive immigration reform" scheme, but the pay off for Pablo and Juanita's criminal undertaking is still considerable.

Last edited by; 08-26-2010 at 12:11 PM.
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