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Old 08-26-2010, 11:23 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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You have completely failed to grasp the problem and the situation.

Mexico and Mexicans have systematically established a population of people in the US who cannot be citizens. They are not the only ones doing this, language is not always an issue.

It does not matter what kind of hardships threaten those people falsely claiming US citizenship because they had a non-citizen ancestor somewhere back. It does not matter. That is part of the excuse and leverage being applied against US citizenship. The hardships that loom for those people is not the problem of US citizens. We are being deliberately attacked by having our country flooded by non-citizens. The interests of US citizens come first. Next comes the interests of naturalized citizens, all those people who have come in legally, applied for US citizenship and legitimately achieved it. As long as they are good citizens, then their citizenship should not be questioned.

But all the rest and their descendents represent an act of aggression and subversion and need to be confronted as such.

Isn't it obvious what you are proposing in some kind of cut off date? It is amnesty and can only exist as a leverage point and more opportunity for illegal immigrants and their anchor babies.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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