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Old 06-30-2010, 02:09 PM
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Pledge Your Support for Arizona in their bold step to save their state.

Date and Time: Thursday, July 8th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Location: California State Capitol; North Steps

This event will be held by Californians, from our state capitol, to proclaim our alliance with, and pledge our support for our neighboring state of Arizona as they valiantly take a stand against the foreign invasion and unchecked migration that has become a pox on its' citizens and a drain on their resources.
From the grounds of the California State Capitol we will raise the golden flagpole and hoist upon it the flags of the California and Arizona republics, along with The U S Border Patrol. Below it we will display Arizona's newly drafted law, and offer a declaration in support of it with opportunity for all to sign. There will also be a display in tribute to Border Patrol and other sworn officers who have fallen to to foriegn invasion on the southern borders of California and Arizona.

This event will be open to associates and associated groups. If your group/organization would like to host the event for an hour or two during the day, you may display your banner and distribute your material during that time.

For those who cannot attend, we will stream video and pictures to the SOS website throughout the day for you to send to your friends and neighbors, or anyone you see fit in the State of Arizona to advise and notify them that they are not alone and that they have California's support.
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