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Ayatollahgondola 07-18-2010 08:38 AM

Nightingale Lowers Herself To Forum Use Again
Well this should be interesting:

Nightingale use to tell me all the time that the forum was futile, the forum is full of a bunch of people that only wanted to post but not do anything, I'm never going to have a forum on my own websites, blah, blah, blah, but now she returns to the scene of the crime.
this time, you can't even view it without registering so she can collect your email and such. the rules are pretty strict, but as most remember, they are usually cast aside anyway.,
So if you really want to get aggravated again, register up and see what happens

PochoPatriot 07-21-2010 08:48 PM

No want, need, or desire to deal with the elementary school kids that will be inhabiting that forum. 07-23-2010 03:23 PM

Actually, this makes sense. It's a logical thing for her to do as her future is approaching.

Chelene will lose the election in November. The run for office and all the mics, cameras and preening will be kaput. She will not, however, want to lose her spotlight/means of attention and band of hardcore sycophants. Her board will be morphed into part of whatever is next for her, whether it is another run for office (likely) or some other organizing venture that provides her a platform and lots of face time. The board will allow her to keep them informed of her doings/plans, and make whatever she intends to organize easier to accomplish.

Ayatollahgondola 07-24-2010 07:46 AM

Well, the more things change, the more they remain the same..

Nightingale is on the prowl in central California for fame and fortune. She is hitting the TEA party circuit for donations and support. They have a forum which I presented some inconvenient facts and a little personal opinion. Some real debate took place at first, but then within 24 hours insanity had once again prevailed, and anything not generally speaking well of Nightingale was removed. In other words, all of my posts;)
Of interest is someone claiming to be nightingale wrote:


Yes, we have been endorsed by the real which had over 5000 members
I'll link you to the forum here:

Unfortunately there are still many in the TEA party movement who are just as easily swayed by snake oil salesman within their own ranks as there are in the liberal factions that oppose them.

Twoller 07-24-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 10954)
Well, the more things change, the more they remain the same..

... They have a forum which I presented some inconvenient facts and a little personal opinion. Some real debate took place at first, but then within 24 hours insanity had once again prevailed, and anything not generally speaking well of Nightingale was removed. In other words, all of my posts;)


Could you give us an idea of what you posted? I'd be interested hearing some substantial criticism of Nightingale on the issues, for example.

As far as I know she is the only candidate for governer that supports 1070. Isn't that worth anything? I don't really care how she gets along with anyone, I'm not looking for a roommate.

Ayatollahgondola 07-24-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10957)
Could you give us an idea of what you posted? I'd be interested hearing some substantial criticism of Nightingale on the issues, for example.

Supporting SB1070 makes for good sideshow here in California because it carries almost no sway with the courts or the administration. Obama certainly wouldn't be influenced by Chelene supporting SB1070 even if she were governor.
I see pretty much all of Chelene's platform as a sideshow. If you got nuthin' else, you entertain 'em.

Hey! I am bankrupt, I owe my friends, I lie, I cheat, I have no credible management skills,...
But I support SB1070, lower taxes, and the second amendment. Hoooorah!

Twoller 07-24-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10957)
Could you give us an idea of what you posted? I'd be interested hearing some substantial criticism of Nightingale on the issues, for example.

As far as I know she is the only candidate for governer that supports 1070. Isn't that worth anything? I don't really care how she gets along with anyone, I'm not looking for a roommate.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 10959)
Supporting SB1070 makes for good sideshow here in California because it carries almost no sway with the courts or the administration. Obama certainly wouldn't be influenced by Chelene supporting SB1070 even if she were governor.
I see pretty much all of Chelene's platform as a sideshow. If you got nuthin' else, you entertain 'em.

Hey! I am bankrupt, I owe my friends, I lie, I cheat, I have no credible management skills,...
But I support SB1070, lower taxes, and the second amendment. Hoooorah!

Who cares what Obama is influenced by? Is anyone really seriously waiting for the Obamination to be influenced by something other than rot?

I'd still like to hear something about Chelene on the issues. Are you saying that she doesn't really support 1070? All the other bad stuff I am hearing about her here doesn't appear to have anything to do with any kind of public issues.

It sounds like all the obvious limitations of her candidacy, which are her availability to regular folks like us, also are generating a lot of personal contempt. I can sympathize, but I'd still like to know where she is falling down on the issues, if at all.

Where does she stand on Proposition 19?

Ayatollahgondola 07-24-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10961)
Who cares what Obama is influenced by? Is anyone really seriously waiting for the Obamination to be influenced by something other than rot?

I'd still like to hear something about Chelene on the issues. Are you saying that she doesn't really support 1070? All the other bad stuff I am hearing about her here doesn't appear to have anything to do with any kind of public issues.

It sounds like all the obvious limitations of her candidacy, which are her availability to regular folks like us, also are generating a lot of personal contempt. I can sympathize, but I'd still like to know where she is falling down on the issues, if at all.

Where does she stand on Proposition 19?

I do care what Obama is influenced by. He's the president, the commander in chief, the appointer of supreme court justices, the signer of treaties, and the chief executive officer of all departments of state. I'd love to influence him. Whether that be a lawsuit, a revolt, blackmail, or whatever else I thought I could get away with

You're asking the wrong guy about chelena's stance on the issues. I've come to know her as a lying, dishonest, manipulative, megalomaniac. I don't take what people like that say to heart anymore. If they lie to me, or about me, or about people I know, why wouldn't they lie to thier constituents to get elected?

Twoller 07-24-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 10963)
I do care what Obama is influenced by. He's the president, the commander in chief, the appointer of supreme court justices, the signer of treaties, and the chief executive officer of all departments of state. I'd love to influence him. Whether that be a lawsuit, a revolt, blackmail, or whatever else I thought I could get away with

You're asking the wrong guy about chelena's stance on the issues. I've come to know her as a lying, dishonest, manipulative, megalomaniac. I don't take what people like that say to heart anymore. If they lie to me, or about me, or about people I know, why wouldn't they lie to thier constituents to get elected?

I know what you mean. There are some real scum out there in elected-land. I know. But the easier it is to point out the public part of their behavior, the easier it is to sell their poor character to the rest of us. Otherwise, why should we trust you any more than we should trust them?

I don't know the cases you are talking about. The only thing I or anyone else sees is other posters talking the same way and no instances spoken of there either. Even at the personal level, it seems that the rest of us aren't required to have a clue, we are just susposed to take cues from the rest of you who have more direct experience.

Chelene -- notice the easy use of the first name -- is the only California candidate, as far as I know supporting 1070. But the only thing you have to show skepticism for that support is personal experience and no instances to report. How many people tuning in here don't know you any more than they know Chelene?

Ayatollahgondola 07-24-2010 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10964)
I know what you mean. There are some real scum out there in elected-land. I know. But the easier it is to point out the public part of their behavior, the easier it is to sell their poor character to the rest of us. Otherwise, why should we trust you any more than we should trust them?

I don't know the cases you are talking about. The only thing I or anyone else sees is other posters talking the same way and no instances spoken of there either. Even at the personal level, it seems that the rest of us aren't required to have a clue, we are just susposed to take cues from the rest of you who have more direct experience.

Chelene -- notice the easy use of the first name -- is the only California candidate, as far as I know supporting 1070. But the only thing you have to show skepticism for that support is personal experience and no instances to report. How many people tuning in here don't know you any more than they know Chelene?

No has to take my word for it. I've produced the hard evidence, and posted it for the world to see. But if people don't want to see it or believe it, it don't exist.
Not that people haven't seen through her already; I'm sure they have. That's why she hasn't seen a rush to her forum, or to her donations box.

Twoller 07-25-2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 10965)
No has to take my word for it. I've produced the hard evidence, and posted it for the world to see. But if people don't want to see it or believe it, it don't exist.
Not that people haven't seen through her already; I'm sure they have. That's why she hasn't seen a rush to her forum, or to her donations box.

Could you cite some posts or something? I don't recall seeing any hard evidence.

If we can collect a body of criticism based on some observations that we can all share, we can lay them at Chelene's feet and expect some kind of credible response. She is a candidate and needs to respond to the general public. Her party affliations are not an issue at this point. For example, if she does not sincerely support 1070, then we need to see some substance in her stand on the issue.

Ayatollahgondola 07-25-2010 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10970)
Could you cite some posts or something? I don't recall seeing any hard evidence.

If we can collect a body of criticism based on some observations that we can all share, we can lay them at Chelene's feet and expect some kind of credible response. She is a candidate and needs to respond to the general public..

Did you see any credible respons in the link I posted here? Her response was to silence the person asking the qustions.
Go ahead and try yourself... 07-25-2010 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10961)
I'd still like to hear something about Chelene on the issues. Are you saying that she doesn't really support 1070? All the other bad stuff I am hearing about her here doesn't appear to have anything to do with any kind of public issues.

It sounds like all the obvious limitations of her candidacy, which are her availability to regular folks like us, also are generating a lot of personal contempt. I can sympathize, but I'd still like to know where she is falling down on the issues, if at all.

Her position on the issues is largely irrelevant. She's a liar ... to the marrow. The one thing to which Chelene has shown unwavering loyalty has been what she considers her own best interests. Every time, no exceptions. When pushed, she chooses to serve herself. She's sacrificed friendships, nearly destroyed a successful activist entity, and enthusiastically attacked the reputations of folks who were accomplishing a lot more than her in the fight against illegal immigration (Ray and Robin and the Campo folks top that list).

She's willing to have substantial prices paid if she believes it holds for her some manner of benefit. The point being, when push comes to shove, she'll abandon her positions if she thinks such will land her recognition, votes or whatever else she needs to stay in the public eye.

Chelene's welfare, uber alles. That's the governing principle. That's what the record evidences.

However, if you're still curious as to what she's peddling as an office seeker, her stated positions are on her website.

Borderwatch 07-25-2010 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 10869)
Well this should be interesting:

Nightingale use to tell me all the time that the forum was futile, the forum is full of a bunch of people that only wanted to post but not do anything, I'm never going to have a forum on my own websites, blah, blah, blah, but now she returns to the scene of the crime.
this time, you can't even view it without registering so she can collect your email and such. the rules are pretty strict, but as most remember, they are usually cast aside anyway.,
So if you really want to get aggravated again, register up and see what happens

But on this forum, they will be talking about HER.


Patriotic Army Mom 07-26-2010 06:58 AM

Meg Whitman wouldn't do these things. She'd just advertise on Spanish channels. Somewhere along the line, we must take a stand and leave the blah blah to the side and get serious about our goal.

Eagle1 07-26-2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 10994)
Meg Whitman wouldn't do these things. She'd just advertise on Spanish channels. Somewhere along the line, we must take a stand and leave the blah blah to the side and get serious about our goal.

I agree with you but it is obvious that we do not have a candidate with enough appeal or name recognition and money to achieve victory this time around.

In addition I agree with SZ's cogent analysis and description of the only anti-illegal immigration candidate that will be on the November 2010 ballot.

The AIP is too weak after its own internal struggles. The Republican party has screwed the American people once more by allowing Meg Whitman to be their candidate and of course the Democrats are hopelessly lost.

Brace for impact. 2010 through 2011 is going to be a rough ride as reality challenges the fantasy-land created, legislated, and advanced by failed political parties promoting kooks and traitors.

Twoller 07-26-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 10996)

In addition I agree with SZ's cogent analysis and description of the only anti-illegal immigration candidate that will be on the November 2010 ballot.


Who or what is "SZ"?

Patriotic Army Mom 07-26-2010 03:40 PM

SZ used to make the most beautiful signs for all of our rallies. He would find the worst looking box and write on it. Wow, I thought they were always so cool looking and so economical. Then he must have came into some money and now they are so professional looking. He takes videos, goes into the belly of the beast and talks to illegals and their friends. He's done so much for our cause. He also came across an illegal that had hurt one of our guys and between the store owner and him, finally got him arrested. Now he should run for the office! The illegals would probably vote for him, because he's been around. Love U SZ!

Twoller 07-27-2010 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 11004)
SZ used to make the most beautiful signs for all of our rallies. He would find the worst looking box and write on it. Wow, I thought they were always so cool looking and so economical. Then he must have came into some money and now they are so professional looking. He takes videos, goes into the belly of the beast and talks to illegals and their friends. He's done so much for our cause. He also came across an illegal that had hurt one of our guys and between the store owner and him, finally got him arrested. Now he should run for the office! The illegals would probably vote for him, because he's been around. Love U SZ!

"The illegals would probably vote for him, because he's been around."

Why would you support somebody that illegals would support? I don't get it.

Patriotic Army Mom 07-27-2010 03:27 PM

I was being funny and unless you've seen how he interviews them and how he works out at our rallies, you wouldn't understand. I get angry and mouthy, but SZ always keeps his cool.

Twoller 07-27-2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 11023)
I was being funny and unless you've seen how he interviews them and how he works out at our rallies, you wouldn't understand. I get angry and mouthy, but SZ always keeps his cool.

OK, I get it now. Good for SZ. Sounds like SZ would get my vote too. 07-28-2010 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 11024)
OK, I get it now. Good for SZ. Sounds like SZ would get my vote too.

You'd be wasting a trip to the ballot box. That guy's a tool. I, for one, am tired of his ongoing Zionist attempts to control the media and thinly veiled anti-white agenda.

PochoPatriot 07-28-2010 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 11046)
you'd be wasting a trip to the ballot box. That guy's a tool. I, for one, am tired of his ongoing zionist attempts to control the media and thinly veiled anti-white agenda.


Patriotic Army Mom 07-29-2010 10:56 AM

Pocho that is funny! He's got them going just like he does with his illegal interviews.

PochoPatriot 07-29-2010 12:43 PM

I have one question. Why should anyone care what Nightingale does? She's a community organizer who has done nothing, and I mean nothing other than get her mug on TV occasionally, because she is easier on the eyes then most of the Minutemen/women. She single-handedly destroyed the largest and best known grass roots border security groups. She drove many forward thinking members out of that same group with her incessant desire to keep herself ensconced as that group's "leader". She's an attention whore who will not rest rest until she gets the amount of face time she believes she deserves on the drive-by media.

Think about what she has done? It's all been the same with no originality of thought. All I ever read from her sycophants (I was once one of them, to my shame) is how she is "saving this country". OK, where are the results? Where is the legislation? Where are the ordinances? Where was her support for the Shaw family? To be fair, I take full responsibility for missing that opportunity, however due to the war of stupidity between SOS and NMI at the time, and Nightingale's self-imposed exile from the group, I was forced to hold a protest that while it was forward thinking, was not cutting edge. The facts, is that Nightingale has really done nothing, in fact she is as much an empty suit as many of the pols she screeches about.

Ultimately, this group is going to have to make an impact. I believe we have begun with the Santa Clarita protests. However, we need something that will force the media spotlight on the issue as we did in the past. What that is I really don't know. I know I work best in a collective where ideas are tossed out and discussed, pro or con, planned and implemented.

Ayatollahgondola 07-29-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11072)
I have one question. Why should anyone care what Nightingale does? .

Because she is claiming to this day that SOS is endorsing her. Because she has cheated and deceived one of our loyal and cherished activist associates, and continues to do so today. Because she has sullied the good names of valuable activist people within this movement, and continues to do that today. I could go on, but you get the idea. As long as she seeks and gets any profile coverage that lends her undeserved credibility, I am going to speak out....kind of like you just did:) 07-29-2010 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11072)
I have one question. Why should anyone care what Nightingale does? She's a community organizer who has done nothing, and I mean nothing other than get her mug on TV occasionally ...

If you replace Nightingale with Obama, delete the "S" that is the first letter in your second sentence, and change her to his later on in the same sentence, you could easily be talking about our current president, before November 2008.

Despite the personal bankruptcy a couple years ago, however, and essentially having turned SOS over to Mike with grossly insufficient funds, I'm not sure she would have mismanaged the U.S. economy any worse than our current Chief Executive has.


By the way, I'm with Davi. The decent thing for her to do would be to go hide and stop embarassing the current members of this organization who have attempted to resurrect what she drove into the ground. I just don't feel her public presence serves any useful purpose anymore, or that she deserves to be respected or praised. She's committed too many dark deeds and exhibited zero remorse.

PochoPatriot 07-29-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 11078)
Because she is claiming to this day that SOS is endorsing her. Because she has cheated and deceived one of our loyal and cherished activist associates, and continues to do so today. Because she has sullied the good names of valuable activist people within this movement, and continues to do that today. I could go on, but you get the idea. As long as she seeks and gets any profile coverage that lends her undeserved credibility, I am going to speak out....kind of like you just did:)

OK, good points. And I obviously do not know all the facts involved as I purposefully stepped away from the cults of personality (Gilchrist, Gheen, Nightingale, et. al.) that this movement seems to generate. However, at what point are we stooping to her level in doing this?

Further, when do we stop being anti-Nightingale and become pro-border security?

I am not trying to stir up shyte but just trying to get my head wrapped around this issue.

PochoPatriot 07-29-2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 11079)
If you replace Nightingale with Obama, delete the "S" that is the first letter in your second sentence, and change her to his later on in the same sentence, you could easily be talking about our current president, before November 2008.

Despite the personal bankruptcy a couple years ago, however, and essentially having turned SOS over to Mike with grossly insufficient funds, I'm not sure she would have mismanaged the U.S. economy any worse than our current Chief Executive has.


By the way, I'm with Davi. The decent thing for her to do would be to go hide and stop embarassing the current members of this organization who have attempted to resurrect what she drove into the ground. I just don't feel her public presence serves any useful purpose anymore, or that she deserves to be respected or praised. She's committed too many dark deeds and exhibited zero remorse.

I understand your view, and I might even agree. However wouldn't ignoring Nightingale be an even greater insult to her, who, we all agree is nothing but an attention whore who will spread for any reporter with a TV camera, microphone or reporter's pad?

Ayatollahgondola 07-29-2010 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11082)
Further, when do we stop being anti-Nightingale and become pro-border security?

I am not trying to stir up shyte but just trying to get my head wrapped around this issue.

Well, I thought I was able to do both. I've managed to build a new tool for us (portable flagpole) organize two events,(admittedly one failed when I slipped and fell), hammered the city of Sac on the Arizona boycott twice, track and report on illegals caught up in the jails here, in addition to several paperwork projects to obtain records pertaining to illegals in northern and southern CA. I know I've forgotten some of it too, because things like making videos of illegal vendors and day laborer employers almost seems like a bodily function to me anymore, and hardly worthy of consideration, but the point is, we're still wrapped around the border security issue quite intensely. Although it may seem as such to her at this point, Nightingale doesn't really get that much of our time. Sometimes I do it for recreational diversion when I take a break from my other duties. ;) 07-29-2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11083)
I understand your view, and I might even agree. However wouldn't ignoring Nightingale be an even greater insult to her, who, we all agree is nothing but an attention whore who will spread for any reporter with a TV camera, microphone or reporter's pad?

I buy a home in a wonderful corner of forested Vermont. Near my home is the bluest most aesthetically pleasing lake I have seen in years. In the winter, the lake freezes over and my wife and I both ice skate on it, while marveling at the surrounding winter beauty. After a couple weeks, my wife falls through a thin spot in the ice we didn't know exists. I immediately race over to where she is to pull her out. As I'm skating over, I fall through the ice as well. We both splash around for what seems like an eternity. Fortunately, we both make it out, but not before acquiring pneumonia from our frigid adventure and low-level frostbite. My wife is so traumatized that we make plans to move away and spend the rest of our lives no further than 100 miles away from the equator, so nothing like this can ever happen again. Fortunately, I land a job in Singapore and immediately put our house in Vermont on the market. My wife, who keeps having "Nam flashbacks" about the lake incident moves immediately to our new destination, to wash the ugly memories away with Southeast Asia moist heat weather. I meanwhile, am packing up the house and doing a little research on the internet. I find that what happened to us has been experienced by many others in one fashion or another. I chalk it up to good fortune that the incident didn't result in anything worse than a hell of a scare, and move on with plans for my new life. As I step outside one day to assist some folks who have purchased a few pieces of furniture that were in our Vermont home living room, I hear their children excitedly talk about their intentions to go ice skating at "the lake" that afternoon. Later in the afternoon, as I am driving by the scene of where I almost drowned, I am incredulous to see no fewer than half a dozen young families and couples laughing and carrying on while appearing to have the time of their lives with their skates, zipping across the same frozen lake terrain I had traveled. No warning sign has been put on any nearby trees. No chain link fence surrounds the property for public safety. No yellow tape with orange cones cordons off the areas where I learned people broke through the ice as my wife and I did.

You know something, in that situation, I feel obligated to pull my car over by the side of the road, walk over to the lake's perimeter, and holler a few warnings to anyone who will listen.

PochoPatriot 07-29-2010 08:12 PM

Again, I understand the points both of you are making. I think I have contributed far too much to this thread. Time to move on. :D

Ayatollahgondola 08-06-2010 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 10961)
I'd still like to hear something about Chelene on the issues. Are you saying that she doesn't really support 1070? All the other bad stuff I am hearing about her here doesn't appear to have anything to do with any kind of public issues.

It sounds like all the obvious limitations of her candidacy, which are her availability to regular folks like us, also are generating a lot of personal contempt. I can sympathize, but I'd still like to know where she is falling down on the issues, if at all.

Where does she stand on Proposition 19?

So how's that going over there Twoller. Did Chelene rush over and give you her definitive position on prop 19? From what I was reading, it looked like you were having trouble just getting someone to say they weren't even an official spokeshole for the campaign

Twoller 08-06-2010 07:58 AM

Nothing is happening over there at the forums anyway.

Somewhere before November, the candidates for governor are going to have to say something about Proposition 19. I can wait.

Eagle1 08-06-2010 10:27 AM

Yesterday, Thursday August fifth 2010, on the very popular Los Angeles California John and Ken radio show a caller mentioned Chelene Nightingale as an alternative to the horrible Meg Whitman.

Meg who had been on the John and Ken show the day before left the listeners and talk show hosts with the well founded opinion that she is nothing more than Schwarzenegger wearing a dress.

After having defeated Steve Poizner and stating that she would be hard as nails on illegal immigration Meg has proceeded to play hide and seek and dodge ball with an increasingly angry American populace that demand straight talk on a variety of issues.

The Democrat and Republican party having disaffected the American people have now opened the gates to a fledgling third, though admittedly weak , party movement.

John of KFI mentioned that he had not heard of Nightingale but that they planned to have the candidates of all the parties on the show.

An acquaintance of mine said that he had heard at least two other callers in previous days mention Chelene to the radio hosts.

A dimension missing with the information given to voters regarding the candidates presented by political parties to the voters is an honest evaluation and analysis of who their candidates are and what they stand for.

Meg Whitman could not have lied her way out of who she is and the Republican party would not have accepted her as a candidate any more than the Democrats could have consciously hawked Obama on us.

One must ponder what an analysis of who Chelene is and what she espouses
along with character traits would yield.

Chelene will have an opportunity to be heard on the John and ken show sometime soon.

It is logical to assume that she will then have broken through the barriers of local anonymity. She will then be invited to speak on other shows.

The outcome will be that Meg the Rhino will buy the election or that Jerry Brown the clown will win.

Chelene having tasted some success will probably run for office again shortly.

Kele 08-06-2010 08:33 PM

What happened to you people?

I'm moving back to Cali, be there Monday the 10th of August, registering to vote immediately.

Chelene will get my vote. Not only that, I will do whatever I can to promote her campaign.

I don't recognize the vast majority of you any more.

Ayatollahgondola 08-06-2010 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Kele (Post 11256)
What happened to you people?

We wised up Kele.

You are not an outcast here for supporting Chelene. Please don't make those of us who don't outcasts either. that's the beauty of a non profit org. we're here for the cause, not the person. I still think highly of you, and I support your right to choose your own candidates, friends, and associates.

Eagle1 08-07-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Kele (Post 11256)
What happened to you people?

I'm moving back to Cali, be there Monday the 10th of August, registering to vote immediately.

Chelene will get my vote. Not only that, I will do whatever I can to promote her campaign.

I don't recognize the vast majority of you any more.

Welcome back to California Kele. I hope that you participate here often irregardless of who your preferred candidate is.:)

Eagle1 08-07-2010 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 11257)
We wised up Kele.

You are not an outcast here for supporting Chelene. Please don't make those of us who don't outcasts either. that's the beauty of a non profit org. we're here for the cause, not the person. I still think highly of you, and I support your right to choose your own candidates, friends, and associates.

I likewise think highly of Kele and like her.I hope that Kele's participation in the Nightingale campaign doesn't keep her from posting here. I know she won't be banned form here for stating her opinions pro or con anything.

Personally I would like to see her posts regarding her involvement in the Nightingale campaign and such.:)

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