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Ayatollahgondola 06-22-2014 11:30 AM

The Taxpayer Sanctuary Act
I mentioned I was hatching a scheme. This is it.
In a nutshell, this is an initiative much like Joe Turner's, although it is not prohibiting any illegal aliens from doing anything. Instead, its' aim is:

To address the failure of the federal government to secure our borders and enforce immigration law.

To address the proliferation of immigration sanctuary cities and states

To give the people a non-violent method to make a statement about the federal government selectively enforcing laws.

In a nutshell, it declares this county a sanctuary for tax debtors. Basically, if sanctuaries are ok for illegals, then why not from other federal offenses also.

This does not prohibit the federal government from acting on its' own against tax debtors. It just says, like sanctuaries for illegals, the county won't lift a finger to help the federal government arrest, prosecute or hold them. Likewise, it doesn't absolve any tax debts. Anyone who owes will still owe, The feds will still have other tools at their discretion to enforce. What this does however, is put the federal government on notice and set the stage for incubating a larger rebellion

It's a Tea party rebellion of sorts, similar to the Boston Harbor event, however instead of throwing tea overboard, we're going to throw Ghandi's non-compliance method of rebellion at them. They send us paper (tax liens, arrest warrants, jail holds on our citizens) we toss them overboard.

It has a time frame, because we all know taxes are a necessary component to self government. The time frame is to give the federal government time to re-think the issue and enforce immigration law.

Maybe it passes, maybe no; One county is not going to convince the feds, but we're looking for other interested parties to embrace it. I would like for everyone to suggest this to their county supervisors and and state representatives, Basically, circulate this high and wide and see if we can start a snowball


Citizen Taxpayer Sanctuary Act

Whereas the lawful native born US citizens and residents of this county are found to be generally liable for the payment of US federal income taxes

And whereas the payment of personal Federal income taxes is a requirement imposed by United States Federal law, not state or local law;

And whereas the residents of this county are generally aware that federal tax funds are being distributed to illegal aliens, or other persons residing within the boundaries of the United States in violation of immigration and/or Visa laws;

And whereas the residents of this county may be generally aware that the United States government has allowed millions of illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, or persons without immigration or visa documents to stay, reside, work, or otherwise live within the boundaries of the United States of America without prosecuting them for their violations of federal immigration or visa law;

And whereas allowing millions of illegal aliens to reside, work, and otherwise live among the legally present residents and citizens of this county, places those same legally present residents and citizens at risk of harm from criminal illegal aliens who are generally known to be present within the undocumented, uninspected, illegal alien population;

And whereas the residents of this county may be generally aware that some cities, counties, or other municipal entities have made declarations; enacted laws, rules, and codes; and issued proclamations to the effect of making those cities, counties, or municipal entities sanctuaries for illegal aliens, or other persons residing within the boundaries of the United States in violation of immigration and/or Visa laws;

Then we the people of Sacramento county declare Sacramento County a sanctuary from the collection action of United States Federal personal income taxes.

The provisions of this act shall apply to:
A) Any United States citizen meeting the residency requirements of this county
B) Any resident of this county that is in possession of lawfully obtained immigration or visa documents, and is not in violation of their provisions or requirements

This act shall prevent the Sacramento County Assessor, the Sacramento County Recorder, or any of its' employees, agents, directors, appointees, or any other designee acting in their capacity from cooperating with any agency of the federal government in the recording of any federal tax lein(s) or other encumberances upon the personal properties of any Sacramento County resident described in sections A or B, if those federal tax leins are for debts owed to the federal government of the United States of America for the non-payment of personal federal income taxes.

this act shall also prevent the Sacramento County Assessor, the Sacramento County Recorder, or any of its' employees, agents, directors, appointees, or any other designee acting in their capacity from recording any federal tax lein(s) or other encumberances upon the personal properties of any Sacramento County resident described in sections A or B, if those federal tax leins are for debts owed to the federal government of the United States of America for the non-payment of personal federal income taxes.

this act shall prohibit any Sacramento County Law enforcement agency from cooperating with any agent of the federal government in making any arrest, siezure of persons or personal property, or booking any person into the Sacramento county Jail solely for being in violation of the United States tax code relating to personal income tax.

This act shall also prohibit the Sacramento County Sheriff from cooperating with, or honoring any federal holds or detainers, when such holds are solely in relation to non-payment of personal income taxes.

The provisions of this act shall not apply to any other tax but personal and/or individual federal income tax.

The provisions of this act shall not apply to any corporation, partnership, LLC or other entity that is not an individual person.

This act shall remain in full force for five years from date of enactment, at which time the Sacramento County Board of supervisors, or any governing board that succeeds it, may vote to extend it. Any court ordered delays in enactment of this act shall not count against the 5 year period of enactment, and any such delays shall be made up so that the full 5 years enactment period is realized.

If any portion of this act is ruled unenforceable by any court of the state of California, those portions not affected by those rulings shall remain in full force.

In the event that all or any part of this act is challenged by any person, organization, governmental agency, law firm, or non-profit group; The proponents of this initiative, or any of its' assigns, shall have standing to defend all, or any part of it, from those challenges. If any agency or branch of this county fails to uphold all, or any portion of this act, with the exception of any court ordered injunctions or prohibitions, the proponents of this act shall have standing to sue those agencies and their respective chief officers to compel compliance and obtain relief and/or damages.

REWHBLCAIN 06-22-2014 06:30 PM

Like it. passing it along to see what my MA group says about it.


ilbegone 06-22-2014 07:45 PM

I like the idea.

There's some possible offshoot thoughts too.

Since Obama has taken to legislating by fiat through executive orders - bypassing congress in the process concerning myriad issues (illegal migration being just one) - we are being taxed without representation.

The further consideration is that the IRS is a corrupt, rogue agency which abuses the taxpayer, some taxpayers more than others in a bid to silence political dissension concerning the president's ideological agendas.

Ayatollahgondola 06-22-2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 25021)
I like the idea.

There's some possible offshoot thoughts too.

Since Obama has taken to legislating by fiat through executive orders - bypassing congress in the process concerning myriad issues (illegal migration being just one) - we are being taxed without representation.

The further consideration is that the IRS is a corrupt, rogue agency which abuses the taxpayer, some taxpayers more than others in a bid to silence political dissension concerning the president's ideological agendas.

I had thoughts about including other issues as reasons for asking people to vote for this, and it is still a consideration to draw more people in, but I didn't know where to stop. Obviously anti-war people might like to make a statement about all the wars, and anti-tax people would like to make a statement about taxes in general, but would that end up polluting the main issue, or even driving away some people who don't want to be associated with them. If it gets into some areas, maybe voters start equating it with the occupy crowd, or the sovereign citizens. At this point, I thought I'd just stick to the immigration point, and hope people that felt strongly about sending a message to their federal government about other issues would vote for this just to see if flexing the muscle would work at all
As it is, it runs a risk of saying this is anti-tax already. What saves us from that is that it ONLY applies to federal income taxes, and is just a non-cooperation statement for a period of time

wetibbe 06-23-2014 04:26 AM

It's called .......
Sedition where I come from.

Novel idea but----

I applaud the sentiment and effort.

Unfortunately we have a government that is so fundamentally crooked, corrupt and dishonest that no matter what they will retaliate. *( Free speech ??? What free speech ).

I have seen various Towns in many places pass legislation only to be viciously attacked by the ACLU and numerous private spoilers, PRLDEF, and many more, hauled into court and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for years only to lose. Spend not only for attorneys fees but also have to reimburse the opponents court costs.

The even more sad part around here is that Judges are equally flaming liberal progressives and also corrupt. Further ICE has been sued for apprehending illegal aliens and LOST. *( Actually the insurance company folded and paid off to avoid protracted litigation. Even law students in Yale joined in the fracas and defended the illegals pro bono ) !!!

It's indeed frustrating and many opponents have just given up.

For myself I work on my representatives constantly, local assemblymen, State Senators and Congress *( House & Senate ) Sheriffs, DOD, DHS. I can't even count the letters written over the past 15 years. They want to hear from the constituents. I do get replies and results, some time's quite impressive too.

Twoller 06-23-2014 08:22 AM

The only way to confront illegal immigration is to confront illegal immigration.

You really have to ask yourself to what extent do the people who have the most to gain from such effort really care about the same issue? Are tax protesters really against illegal immigration or do they support open borders as well?

We've seen similar efforts and explanations. Recall that some people say that "self deportation" is the answer. Get rid of the jobs and the welfare and illegals will just go away by themselves. Perhaps these same folks don't want the federal government to be doing anything, even policing our borders and they certainly don't want to pay for it either with taxes.

There is really only one solution: Hunt them down and throw them out.

The answer to the sanctuary cities is, like the amnesty notion, to offer a more pointed alternative to sanctuary. Any time we throw out an illegal immigrant without prosecuting them for criminal entry, that is amnesty. Any place we provide for illegals on their way out of the country when we provide amnesty, that is sanctuary.

The English language is taking a real beating anyway, it will not suffer this temporary indignity.

ilbegone 06-23-2014 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 25024)
The only way to confront illegal immigration is to confront illegal immigration.

You really have to ask yourself to what extent do the people who have the most to gain from such effort really care about the same issue? Are tax protesters really against illegal immigration or do they support open borders as well?

We've seen similar efforts and explanations. Recall that some people say that "self deportation" is the answer. Get rid of the jobs and the welfare and illegals will just go away by themselves. Perhaps these same folks don't want the federal government to be doing anything, even policing our borders and they certainly don't want to pay for it either with taxes.

There is really only one solution: Hunt them down and throw them out.

The answer to the sanctuary cities is, like the amnesty notion, to offer a more pointed alternative to sanctuary. Any time we throw out an illegal immigrant without prosecuting them for criminal entry, that is amnesty. Any place we provide for illegals on their way out of the country when we provide amnesty, that is sanctuary.

The English language is taking a real beating anyway, it will not suffer this temporary indignity.

You're missing the point concerning the message. There are small governments who declare themselves to be sanctuary entities for those who defy our federal immigration law, how about in return an equal show of concern for citizens with whom the federal Internal Revenue Service might feel they have a beef. Sort of along the idea of state's rights or local control. It might be more symbolic than practical, since while the feds don't much concern themselves with illegality of presence, they definitely are going to defend revenue flow. Loan sharks are purveyors of good will compared to the IRS.

And, among those who advocate any sort of control concerning illegal immigration, few to none espouse the idea of crucifying the enablers of illegal immigration - those who employ illegal labor. 99% of those employers know exactly who and what they hire. The blather that they don't know is bullshit spin.

Again, if it did come down to hunting "them" down and throwing "them" out, that's fine, so long as it isn't predicated on race and presumption.

Greg in LA 06-25-2014 11:19 AM

Hi Ayatollah,

Sorry it's taken so long to reply,
I've been busy at work the last week.

I love the idea!
It's exactly the point many have been making for a long while now, the point being, that if immigration laws are purposely not being enforced, then there are a whole host of other laws that shouldn't be enforced... Including Federal tax laws!

The next time I hear anybody advocating the non enforcement of immigration laws, I'm going to up the ante and tell them that if "if you don't want immigration laws enforced, than I don't want tax laws enforced"!

In fact I also don't want Obama care laws enforced!

Welcome to the world of lawlessness!

Correction, Welcome to the world of selective lawlessness!

Patriotic Army Mom 06-26-2014 07:26 AM

You are a genius. Great.

wetibbe 06-27-2014 06:13 AM

In your face.
Hey west coasters. It's show down time. Either agree or capitulate.

I have long contended that my useful idiots here are more skewed than your there, especially LA. For a while you were apparently winning but now "I've got some bad news for you".

The NYC council has now voted and approved ID cards for illegal aliens, permiso to open bank accounts, apply for drivers licenses and - ready for this one? - free legal counsel for any illegal aliens who have deportation orders. Yes' it is reported on the news this AM.

So now fess up and admit that our lunatics are, hands down, more off the rails than Californian "criminals".

Furthermore, also reported, the Supreme Court voted 9 - 0 labeling our supreme allied commander in Nation wrecking as violating the Constitution. It's official.

__________________________________________________ _____________

Now a question! I have posted the Federal Customs and Immigration laws many times. Also I stated, above, that there were many Towns attacked and sued for passing their own versions of immigration laws, some most noticeable: Lou Barlette former mayor of Hazleton; City of Danbury, some in Missouri, Texas and elsewhere. To say nothing of how Sheriff Arpaio was treated for enforcing the law.

It is impractical to expect anyone to march in to the Oval office or DOJ and throw raincoats over heads and cuffs on. The gentlemanly way is IMPEACHMENT.

The question: Why isn't it happening ?

Oh yes ! Also why isn't NYC being sued by ANYONE?

I'll revert back to my usual position and hope that it degenerates faster and more ruinous. Let the people decide next election. Our Congress obviously doesn't have the will, power or intention of doing anything.

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